
  • Wolves still protected under the Endangered Species Act Both of the budget bills which contained language which would have delisted wolves were defeated in the Senate this afternoon. It appears that another short term continuing resolution will be brought up to fund the government once the current CR expires on March 18th. Senate rejects rival…

  • It’s not really about cutting federal expenditures by $60-billion- The argument over these particular budget cuts is not about reigning in big costs. It is almost entirely about eliminating or gutting entire programs, many of them very popular, without a hearing or even a separate vote on each (most of which they would lose). House…

  • One megaload reaches Lolo; one stuck on Highway 12- We haven’t covered this for a while, but as many predicted the movement is not going smoothly. 1 megaload reaches Lolo; 1 stuck on Highway 12. By Jamie Kelly. Missoulian.

  • Another subsidy to private Ag interests at the public expense. Other states require testing of 100% of each private elk herd but the Idaho Legislature is requiring much less from Idaho’s elk growers and slipping money away from funds intended for the enhancement of wildlife. Idaho Senate Bill 1085 would require testing of “not more than…

  • 7-month spending bill likely to reach the floor of the Senate tomorrow Need help finding your congressional representative? US Senators The Honorable _____________ United States Senate Washington, DC 20515 Write your Senator    US Representatives The Honorable _____________ United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20510 Write your Representative Or call Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121, Toll…

  • A good question, given all the unprosecuted, indeed celebrated, criminals at high levels- Tim DeChristopher was convicted at his trial after not being allowed to explain the motives for his prank. Do Motives Matter? The DeChristopher Verdict. The New York Times. By Kirk Johnson. Inside traders, coal and oil company disaster creators, military contractors break…

  • Senator Tester gets delisting added to Senate version of the budget- Tester amends federal budget bill to declare wolves recovered in Montana, Idaho. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian. The recent CR (Continuing Resolution) that passed Congress avoiding a government shutdown for two weeks provided short term relief on wolf delisting by Congress, but it is just…

  • American Sheep Industry Association asks key U.S. Senator not to cut funding for notorious wildlife killing agency- The President has proposed cutting the budget of USDA Wildlife Services by 10-million dollars. President Obama said there needs to be shared sacrifice although so far it seems to be teachers, police, sick people, students, science, reproductive health,…

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