
  • DeChristopher may get 10 years for unconventional method of protecting Utah’s beautiful canyonlands from oi companies- We have had many stories on this, but not for quite a while. Tim DeChristopher could be punished far more than the Wall Street investment bankers who stole billions. He bid against oil speculators at a Department of Interior…

  • “Fracking” is the latest assault on our land, water, wildlife and health- Hydrofracking injects water and toxic chemicals deep into the rock to create pockets of volatile hydrocarbons (natural gas of a variety). Unfortunately, the toxic mess underground often doesn’t stay there.  It comes out into surface waters, often carrying the original chemicals plus new…

  • Also, a discussion about wolf delisting Here is an article that reasonably sums up where wolves are in the political landscape. Contrary to what I’ve read in other articles, it appears that Carter Niemeyer supports delisting only conditionally. He will likely be marginalized for it. Niemeyer said that while he agrees wolves should be off…

  • Legislation rescinds the 2002 Wolf Management Plan and calls for $500 per head bounty on wolves. The draft bill appears to have been written by Runft & Steele Law Offices, PLLC in Boise, Idaho and was distributed to a group of politically connected people. The bill is radical and shows that anti-wolf forces will seek…

  • Secretary of Interior Salazar thinks so- I don’t think it will, not as the so-called conservatives in office today look at the world.  However, back in the world of facts where Lake Mead isn’t far from the level of “dead pool,” there will be enormous consequences for all the Colorado River Basin states: Wyoming, Colorado,…

  • Idaho lawmakers hope to dissuade public access to judicial review of state megaload approvals by forcing them to post huge sums of money before access to court is granted. Idaho bill targets anti-megaload lawsuits – Spokesman Review BOISE – Rep. Dick Harwood, R-St. Maries, has introduced legislation requiring anyone who files a lawsuit against a transportation…

  • A welcome surprise- High court rejects appeal in spotted owl dispute. “The Supreme Court has decided to let stand a Bush administration designation of 8.6 million acres in four Western states as critical habitat for an endangered owl.” Associated Press.

  • High Country News reports on moves to abolish or modify the traditional Fish and Game Commission- Western wildlife commissions on the chopping block. By Jodi Peterson.  High Country News This form of wildlife governance has come up for discussion many times on this blog.

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