To screw environmentalists, they also screw grandma and small business In an overzealous act against environmentalist organizations who successfully sue government agencies, the Republican lead House of Representatives has removed the ability for individuals, small businesses, non-profits and others to collect attorney’s fees when they prevail against the government and can meet other requirements. By…
Victory !! “Japan will cut short this year’s annual whale hunt in the Antarctic Ocean after obstruction by an environmental group largely prevented its ships from killing whales, the government said Friday.” Read about in in the New York Times. By Martin Fackler. – – – – – Earlier in this blog. 11/30/10. Has the…
Notes on his speech- I guess by now Beers needs no introduction, but the themes he expresses show the anti-wolf folks are really just part of tea party eruption with their efforts to nullify the laws of the United States. He would make the Southern Confederates of Civil War days proud, IMO. The notes below…
…..and do it with a boatload of arrogance Not surprisingly, the Montana Senate voted on a bill that would keep Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks from relocating bison anywhere in the state except for the National Bison Range in northwest Montana for the next two years. The Montana House has yet to pass…
Cuts include Wildlife Services- Obama’s budget would deeply cut farm subsidies. By P.J. Huffstutter, Los Angeles Times I kind of thought Obama might not figure this out, but his budget proposal seems to take a whack at this nasty agency as well as the heretofore unstoppable subsidy payments to rich and corporate farmers. If you…
Public Comment on them? We won’t even consider the bill, says Idaho legislative committee- House panel rejects megaloads hearing requirement, won’t introduce bill. Spokesman-Review Representative JoAn Wood is quoted in the article. According to Ballotpedia, “Wood is a business partner in a trucking/farming company.” You can see the company in Eastern Idaho on your way…
Delists wolves in Northern Rockies but leaves out Wyoming. The GOP in the House of Representatives is starting to work on their version of a continuing budget resolution that would be needed to fund the government until a formal budget is passed to fund government agencies. Another way to fund the government could come in…
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation throws in with cattle and sheep associations- Story. Hunting groups clash. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian It appears there is a difference in strategy how to get at wolves, according to the Missoulian. However, I think it is more likely the the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (actually David Allen, CEO) has actually…