More good news, and just a few years ago every day seemed to bring bad news for the North Fork of the Flathead River- Tester, Baucus renew effort to protect Flathead River Basin. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian.
Opponents of the megaloads drop fight on the first four- Having lost before the Idaho Department of Transportation, opponents of the oil megaloads will no longer try to stop the first four of them. These are bound for the existing oil refinery in Billings, Montana. The next 200 megaloads (not approved for now) are for what…
Court of Appeals limits scope of Supreme Court decision and overturns Judge Molloy- A couple years ago in Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council the U. S. Supreme Court continued its trend toward make it harder to temporarily stop government actions before irreparable harm was done. Applying this viewpoint, Montana federal district Judge Molloy let…
The Koch Brothers, enemy of the world- A few months ago hardly anyone had heard of these two selfish billionaires who have been funding much of the far right’s effort to tear down the protection of our water, air, food supply, as well as, IMO, support policies that will destroy America herself. They support a…
There is a greatly needed opinion piece in “New West” by a former science journalist- When Emotion Drives the Wolf Debate, Research Suffers. “The Rocky Mountain West is producing solid science in regard to wolves. Too bad what’s learned is buried under what’s opined.” By Steve Bunk. Guest column in New West. I want to…
Denny Rehberg (R-MT) has introduced the first wolf bill of the new congress into the House of Representatives which would hand over management authority of wolves to the states of Montana and Idaho. Here is the bill Update 1/27/11: Apparently there are two bills. The second one would remove all protections from wolves nationwide. Here…
The Cattle Association opposes the release- Pronghorns released for new start on Yakama Indian Reservation. Ancient inhabitants are of the Columbia Basin. Rich Landers. The Spokesman-Review. [ed. note to Spokesman-Review, the plural of pronghorn is pronghorn] Good for the Safari Club! It appears that when the cattle association took their traditional selfish approach to restoration…
The Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act is reintroduced into Congress Simpson takes another shot at CIEDRA By KATHERINE WUTZ – Idaho Mountain Express