It shows that Otter never intended to follow IDFG’s management plan. Otter once again shows us that the state never intended to manage wolves with an eye toward science. He always intended to manage for the minimum number identified in the legislative plan and that the IDFG plan was meaningless just as we have always…
Bridges tells us artificial sweetener will kill all canines, including dogs– Toby Bridges’ name has been out of the news a while after his ISP apparently revoked his old web site. He has a new ISP now and web site, but he is also sending out his opinion to local newspapers. Read this in the…
Great article in Demarcated Landscapes rejects the dominion of ranchers over the rest of us- “. . . along comes this opinion piece from the Salt Lake City Tribune suggesting that if ranchers can’t make peace with the lobo, then the lobo cannot be recovered. …in the battle between our deep-seated fears and our hopes,…
Report on last week’s hearing predicts the decision on the megaloads will be close- Having won a hard fought battle to intervene on the decision whether to allow the first megaloads of oil equipment up Highway 12 and over Lolo Pass, the full hearing last week pitted local residents and the Boise based law firm,…
Despite public outcry and negative vote by WY Water Development Commission, cattle assn, county commissions continue to push dam- Few people seem to like the proposal to build a dam on the upper Green River above Warren Bridge. The state Water Development Commission voted 7-1 against it, but powerful interest groups are trying sidestep public…
This article is highly significant now, although it appears an end run might pass the Senate tonight- Wolf Politics and the Endangered Species ‘End Run’. by Virginia Morell on 9 December 2010, 5:16 PM. ScienceInsider.
The governors meeting in Las Vegas this week. Okay, so now governors are arguing that the Endangered Species Act should be gutted because swarms of prairie dogs are digging into golf courses. Need I say more? “The frustration level is reaching the breaking point in many levels because of this act,” said Utah Gov. Gary…
Article says it was not hunt to fill family freezer . . . a hunt for personal publicity- There has been some discussion in our forum about Palin’s TV, caribou hunt. . . . questions about the rifle she used, her shooting ability, and so forth. Here’s one that goes to the heart of the…