
  • In recent years it has become fashionable for conservationists to substitute and promote other land classification in place of wilderness designation. Wilderness is “passé” so we are told, even though it is the “gold standard” for land protection. In a recent white paper, The Wilderness Society outlined some of these alternatives such as National Recreation…

  • The spectacularly glaciated Gallatin Range stretches south from Bozeman into Yellowstone National Park. The 250,000-acre roadless area is the largest unprotected wildlands left in the northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. WILDLIFE VALUES The Buffalohorn and Porcupine drainages (BHP) that drain into the Gallatin River near Big Sky, Montana are a miniature ecological equivalent of the Lamar…

  • The highest reaches of the Pryor Mountains are covered with alpine meadows. Photo George Wuerthner Billings, Montana has seen a steady increase in population and economic diversity. In all likelihood, Billings will continue to grow. At a modest average growth of 1.5 percent a year, Billing’s population will increase by more than 40,000 people in…

  • Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd Dist.) has joined Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), notable anti-wildlife anti-public lands radical, to make dairies the goal of the national seashore where they exist inside this popular unit of the National Parks System. Point Reyes National Seashore, CA –  This week, Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd Dist.) joined Rep. Rob Bishop…

  • I wrote this letter to Dr. Naugle more than 10 days ago and have not received a response. It is worth noting that Dr. Naugle has gotten more than $4.5 million in grants to study sage grouse in the past few years. Could this influence his testimony? Dear Dr. Naugle: I just read your July…

  • Interesting wildlife news (reader generated) It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.” It has been a long time since we have had a new page. The page and comment loading time has become slow.  Do not post copyrighted material. Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news of April 6,…

  • President Trump pardoned Oregon ranchers Dwight Hammond and his son Steve. The pair were jailed for arson and were the inspiration for the take-over of Malheur NWR by the Bundy mob. Trump’s pardon was based on lobbying by Oregon Congressman Greg Walden who characterized the Hammonds as “responsible ranchers” and portrayed them as victims of…

  • I wrote this in response to an editorial by Mr. Oberueller in Wyoming File.  You can see the original editorial at https://www.wyofile.com/public-lands-initiative-deserves-praise-for-collaboration/ The WPLI is an attempt to garner local agreement on the fate of federal BLM and Forest Service Wilderness Study Areas. These federal lands are managed to retain their potential suitability for future designation…

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