
  • Impacts of giant oil machinery on roadside business and emergency medical care on Highway 12 questioned- Imagine you live on Highway12 and have a medical emergency. It’s night. If you can get to Lewiston or Orofino for care, you will live. Your spouse gets you into the pickup and pulls out onto Highway12, but a…

  • Controversy sparks various efforts to suppress wildlife management to favor extremists- In addition to the effort by Montana Senators Jon Tester and Max Bacus to legalize Montana and Idaho’s wolf management plans by changing the law, a group of 8 far right Republicans has introduced legislation to give wolf management to the states. Ersatz rancher…

  • Wow!! Who’s next? Who knows? If there is a conviction in this case, it might solidify my theory that anti-wolf advocates are behind the decimation of elk herds 😉 Recall, Rex Rammel is the politician who joked about “Obama tags“. He also had a run in with then Governor and now Senator Jim Risch after…

  • Talk about burying the lead, it appears that Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar would back efforts to gut the Endangered Species Act. Ken Salazar met with the governors of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming yesterday and, while Wyoming remains intransigent on the wolf issue, he appears to have sent the message that he supports a legislative…

  • The New York Times Weighs in on the wolf issue. The New York Times doesn’t like the proposed legislation which would remove protections from wolves either. Either [bill] would set a terrible precedent, opening the door for special-interest groups to push other inconvenient species off the list. The bills would undercut one of the primary…

  • Warranted but precluded (by politics) Has America’s most popular environmental law become incapable of protecting our most vulnerable fellow species? With the number of species becoming imperiled increasing as population, consumption, climate change grows, the Obama Administration is providing legal protection to fewer species using the excuse that there are not enough resources. This can…

  • Hearing judge recommends that Highway 12 residents should be allowed to intervene against movement of giant oil equipment- What a pleasant Thanksgiving surprise! Hearing officer sides with foes of megaloads. By Todd Dvorak. Associated Press.

  • A sorry decision that will threaten all kinds of wildlife- A result of this will be state agencies killing wildlife and closing campgrounds when a theoretically dangerous animal is seen within five miles of them. High court: State can be sued for bear attack. By Donald W. Meyers. The Salt Lake Tribune. We let unemployed…

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