
  • Representative Raúl M. Grijalva ‘gets it’ before it needs gettin’.  Salazar is an industry apologist Representative Raúl M. Grijalva issued a press release highlighting a recent Washington Post article describing how his foresight on offshore drilling, a foresight directly pertinent to any hope at having spared the world the worst environmental disaster in history, is…

  • Promises to Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil to use scenic Highway 12 to haul huge oil modules for a decade discovered hidden on Korean, not in plain English- Talk about lack of transparency in Montana and Idaho state governments!  It’s good this was revealed just before Butch Otter has to face reelection as governor of Idaho. Korean Documents…

  • On the “open range” if you don’t want someone else’s cattle on your property, you have to fence them out! Arizona is rethinking the fairness of this tradition.  So are people in other states. Arizona Rethinking Open Range Laws. By Marc Lacey. New York Times. If you hit a black cow in the middle of…

  • How many hunters are like this? Given the quality of the rabid anti-wolf folks, it might be easy to forget that many hunters (more than 50%?) take a balanced view of animals and hunting access. I think there is too much demonization of hunters per se on this blog.  Folks should be careful to separate…

  • R L Miller’s post at Daily Kos looks at the Republican positions on climate science in six states, including Idaho. This is not a complete project. If you can add anything on candidates’ positions that would be interesting.  R L asked us for some help, but we were not able to give him much. Stupid…

  • Lands are managed to provide revenue for the public schools- Having a one party state is a problem here. Representative Hart, who took timber, only faces a write-in candidate. Rep. Hart logged state land for home. Candidate never paid debt for stolen timber. Betsy Z. Russell. The Spokesman-Review

  • Federal Government appeals the wolf ruling- I missed this one but it is important. Everyone knew that the states and many other groups would appeal Judge Molloy’s ruling on wolves but no one was sure whether the Federal Government would appeal the ruling too. Now that question has been answered. State and others file appeal…

  • Well, Butch’s deadline came and passed and still no MOA in place. Otter backs down on wolf ultimatum. Magic Valley Times News

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