
  • In the old Soviet Union, being a scientist was a dangerous thing unless discoveries upheld the Party’s ideology- Doubt GOP will be put scientists in a gulag. They will just be investigated and badgered out of a job. GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists. By Neela Banerjee. Los Angeles Times

  • Will the resource-sucking “sin city” be reclaimed by the desert? Everyone knows at least a little bit about Las Vegas. To many visitors, Las Vegas is Nevada. In terms of population this is almost true. The large majority of the state’s population lives in Clark County (Las Vegas) — almost 2-million people live in this…

  • Public land ranchers concerned about candidate’s position that public lands ought be managed to preserve Idaho’s wildlife heritage Idaho’s Gubernatorial candidate Keith Allred, challenger to “Butch” Otter, recently drew a distinction between wildlife management on public versus private land, standing behind Idaho sportsmen on the bighorn sheep issue : Candidate’s Comments Cause for Concern –…

  • Federal government reassumes Idaho wolf management role- Though doubtful in the short run, hopefully this will lead to fewer livestock losses, fewer government-killed wolves and less controversy, as it was before Idaho took over wolf management. Service to Resume Lead for Wolf Management in Idaho as a Result of Governor’s Announcement. USFWS news release. Oct.…

  • New news story has an important change- Unlike the original story today on Otter’s decision, the story late tonight (Oct. 18) says “Idaho Fish and Game conservation officers will continue to collect information about illegal wolf kills, as they would for any endangered species and transfer it to federal law enforcement officials.” [emphasis mine] Idaho…

  • State will not manage wolves nor control poaching- Idaho won’t manage wolves under ESA – John Miller, AP “After talks with the federal government collapsed, Gov. C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter ordered Idaho wildlife managers Monday to relinquish their duty to arrest poachers or to even investigate when wolves are killed illegally.” From his first day in…

  • Representative Raúl M. Grijalva ‘gets it’ before it needs gettin’.  Salazar is an industry apologist Representative Raúl M. Grijalva issued a press release highlighting a recent Washington Post article describing how his foresight on offshore drilling, a foresight directly pertinent to any hope at having spared the world the worst environmental disaster in history, is…

  • Promises to Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil to use scenic Highway 12 to haul huge oil modules for a decade discovered hidden on Korean, not in plain English- Talk about lack of transparency in Montana and Idaho state governments!  It’s good this was revealed just before Butch Otter has to face reelection as governor of Idaho. Korean Documents…

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