
  • Lobbyists, It’s what’s for dinner You know those commercials that say “Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.” Well, the association that takes a dollar from the sale of each cow for those commercials is in trouble. It appears that they might have been spending some of the money on lobbying as well as travel expenses for…

  • What has this got to do with wildlife?  Plenty! Growing of marijuana in the woods on both public and private land keeps expanding and using more and more nasty chemicals and violence — a menace to wildlife, hikers, campers, and hunters. This election year might be the year to put an end to the enormously…

  • Two brand new government reports show overwhelming scientific case for global warming — and go out of the way to repudiate skeptics- The truth about global warming. Monday, August 2, 2010. Washington Post editorial. Meanwhile Rolling Stone has a great article on the sorry death of the Climate Bill (or better stated the death of…

  • Despite full court press by Idaho woolgrowers, reason prevails- Payette supervisor decides to end sheep grazing in bighorn country. Submitted by Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. By email I learned about 30,000 acres will still be open, but this is a big victory for Idaho  bighorn over an very entrenched political interest.

  • About $15-million on Yellowstone- My opinion. Anyone who has traveled extensively will find many Park and public land projects were originally built with stimulus funds from the Great Depression. You will often find a cabin, amphitheater, trail, etc. was built by the New Deal’s CCC or WPA.  Despite the controversy over the stimulus funds for…

  • Its monies come from royalties paid by offshore oil and gas producers in federal waters- The money for land and water acquisition has never been needed so much. The money comes from the oil companies, and they have been paying it for years. The only thing stopping its full authorized expenditure level has been Congress…

  • Another great article by George Wuerthner: Wolves and Oil – NewWest Just as the financial interests of the judges in the Gulf Coast region may distort and bias their ability to make fair judicial decisions regarding issues surrounding the oil industry, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks agency has a similar financial conflict…

  • Famed former Baca Ranch could emerge as national park after failed “free market” experiment- I have never been to this famous New Mexico supervolcano area with its scenic, but degraded grasslands and forests.  The area is notable for its elk, but the herd is much smaller than it could be due to the competition with…

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