
  • Documents shows all judges had ties to the oil industry- So do we have a problem with the neutrality of our federal courts?  The judge of the original jurisdiction in Louisiana’s federal district court who rejected the moratorium was loaded down with oil and gas stocks too. Fortunately, the Administration said the Interior Department would…

  • Draft environmental statement for this brucellosis vaccine finds many negatives, few benefits- It (RB-51 vaccine) barely works as a vaccine. If it does work at all, it will take generations to make a difference. It might make the brucellosis bacteria more robust instead.  Bison will soon become wary of people. It is expensive. Vaccinated bison…

  • Washington Cattlemen want to try an “experiment” on your wildlife management areas It seems that bad ideas just never go away. Even after they’ve been spanked in court, the Washington Cattlemen still want to waste tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of taxpayer dollars on this ridiculous exercise which is damaging to the Washington Department…

  • Role of past Wyoming politicians in corrupting MMS doesn’t phase them- And it’s bow down before Wyoming’s true rulers. Praise in the Casper Star Tribune. By Dustin Bleizeffer.  They would never hurt Wyoming like they did the Gulf of Mexico. – – – – – – Related Oil companies have spent little on oil spill…

  • Two Contrasting Perspectives on the Collaborative Conservation Model George Wuerthner continues his thoughtful critique of the collaborative process by illustrating a stark distinction between the act of “collaboration” and the art of “negotiation”: Perils of Collaboration – George Wuerthner, Counterpunch Rocky Barker gives voice to the pro-collaborative perspective, suggesting if collaboratives aren’t nourished with passage…

  • This must mean that Interior boss Salazar gets the ax- Clean the Gulf, Clean House, Clean Their Clock. By Frank Rick. New York  Times. The President asked us to pray.  So I ask God that the President fire Ken Salazar. The President says he would have “fired Tony Hayward, BP’s chief executive” (currently yachting in…

  • Governor Otter intervenes at last minute to dim hopes of settling 37 year old Idaho Wilderness controversy- Below a prominent Idaho Statesman political columnist weighs in to Otter’s sorry move. Considering Otter’s last minute actions to turn once supportive congressional Republicans against this fairly good and delicately balanced bill, I am reminded of Otter’s position…

  • Idaho Delegation supports the bill but Governor opposes it The Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act (CEIDRA), the bill which would create a Boulder-White Clouds Wilderness, had its hearing yesterday in the U.S. Senate. There are some good and bad things about the bill but the land swaps to Custer County, except for very…

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