
  • Scientists & Conservation Groups: Time for Salazar to step down Clinton-Era Secretary Blasts Interior; Scientists Say Salazar Should Quit featured in the New York Times Read the letter The Gulf Coast disaster is a cataclysmic failure. It’s a failure of insatiable industrial greed. But to leave it at that – to blame BP and demand…

  • Could anything similar happen despite Wyoming’s inland location? The corrupt and discredited Minerals Management Service (MMS) both regulates and collects royalties from off-shore oil and gas. Inland, the BLM does the same, and that agency is full of problems too.  You have to wonder if Salazar has been on the job correcting the BLM’s decline…

  • Would rather have a distraction away from real issues affecting the landscape The Wyoming Governor continues his complaining about wolves and the litigation surrounding them by claiming that the groups suing over delisting are “venue shopping”. He wants to be the one to decide where a case is heard because he likes the judges where…

  • Conservation groups seek endangered species status. Judge tells USFWS to make up their mind quickly- The restoration of the Mexican wolf under the experimental, non-essential rule that guided the restoration of wolves to the Northern Rockies has been a fiasco. Groups want to give the rare wolf fully endangered status, which has more teeth.  USFWS…

  • More on the attempt to make U.S. Highway 12 an oil industry corridor- This from the new group, the Rural People of Highway 12. U.S. Highway 12: Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American Road • • • Big Oil: One-Time Deal or Permanent Takeover? Promoters of turning Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American…

  • Over 200 trips of these giant oil equipment pieces to go through U.S. 12 in Idaho and NW Montana- I think perhaps there has been too much attention in this forum on elk in Lolo.  Elk are important, but fishing, scenery, wilderness, and property of local people are more important. U.S.Highway 12 is one of…

  • Randall Luthi. David J. Gribbin III, Thomas Sansonett, Rejane “Johnnie” Burton, Rebecca W. Watson and more- “Cody Coyote” has commented here numerous times about the importance of several Wyoming politicos in the scandal ridden performance of MMS under George W. Bush.  Many were chosen by Dick Cheney. Now WyoFile has a detailed article on these…

  • My opinion is the “spill” could be a gift to bring down the Cheneys, oil companies, “drill baby drill”- With a huge natural disaster there is political danger, but also political opportunity. For the people living on the Gulf, and the fish and wildlife, it is all downside.  For the President there is a mighty…

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