
  • Bob Abbey, BLM director is taking over Minerals Management Service. RL Miller looks at Abbey’s past in the revolving door- Mr. Abbey Goes to Washington, Cleans Up MMS. Or Not. By RL Miller. Daily Kos. Is a man who hasn’t reformed the BLM the one who will reform MMS?

  • Six month moratorium on new deep water well permits; lease auctions off Virginia and Alaska coast put in suspension. Partial ban on new spuds- There is finally action by the Administration on oil leases and permits to drill in various places off-shore. It is expected that today the President will announce there will be no…

  • Agency inspectors have still been accepting oil company gifts- Lawmakers assail Minerals Management Service. By Perry Bacon Jr., David A. Fahrenthold and Steven Mufson. Washington Post Staff Writer. The agency might be beyond the ability to be reformed.

  • Of course, if wolves attack cattle because they have run across dead cattle and got a taste, they are shot by Wildlife Services. Now Idaho Fish and Game Commission is happy to let wolves become habituated to baits so they can be easily “hunted.”  Those wolves that don’t take the set baits will be much…

  • Have Western Watersheds/Advocates for the West killed this unfair, anti-wildlife program? I guess we don’t have many Eastern Washington readers because there were no comments on our earlier article (yesterday) on this, but today’s news in the Seattle Times is very encouraging. This graze-the-state-wildlife-areas-for-free-to-help-me-politically program of the governor’s, really made us furious. Experimental Washington state…

  • The Skunks and Badgers leave island with pelicans. The plan to introduce skunks and badgers to an island in Eastern Idaho’s Blackfoot River Reservoir so that they would prey on pelican eggs has failed because the skunks and badgers have left the island. Badgers, skunks to F&G: Thanks but no thanks to island plan. By…

  • Lisa Murkowski blocks Senate bill To Raise Oil Spill Liability Cap (with VIDEO)- Murkowski said wanted to protect the “mom and pop” oil companies from having to face large liabilities. Mom and pop oil companies? If you can’t pay for your damages, you should not get a permit! Story. – – – – Update May…

  • Politics still reigns supreme in the Interior Department A new report outlines how very little has changed under Obama and Salazar. Science is being ignored and managers manipulate it to support predetermined political outcomes. In my experience, I would say that the Interior Department under Obama and Salazar is as bad or worse than under…

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