
  • Goal was 12 wolves- After the lawsuit and all the expense and danger of darting wolves from the air to collar them in the rugged Frank Church Wilderness, the results are in.  After risk to life and limb, instead of 12 wolves the department got only 4 collared. This is apparently the same number of…

  • This has been very minor news, but the Idaho Cattle Association and Farm Bureau have been trying to pump it into a story- They haven’t had much success, and today in the Idaho State Journal, columnist Michael H. O’Donnell slapped the livestock interests again. Best of all he relates it to the Johnson County War,…

  • Howl Colorado.org gets a very interesting and important interview- If you are interested in the politics and history of government animal killing for the livestock industry, Robinson’s book, Predatory Bureaucracy is a must. I think this interview with its author is too. Also, interviews are easier to digest than a grim journey through a long…

  • It failed, as it should- Story in the Salt Lake Tribune. Senate rejects move to bar new monuments. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune.

  • Obama’s supposed list of new national monuments was just a DOI brainstorming session- Last week Fox News reported with bells and whistles that the President might create a large number of new national monuments on federal land in Western States. I didn’t bother to link to the story because the leaked document clearly looked some…

  • George Wuerthner updates his arguments about need to have cows to prevent sprawl- A long time ago I tended to be the kind of conservationist who grudgingly thought we had to give all kinds of perks to livestock interests so they wouldn’t sell and subdivide the West.  I was becoming disillusioned with the results of…

  • This story is one outcome of the leaked Feb. 10 memo- There was no indication Idaho Fish and Game was ever going to release their memo to the media, but thanks to JeffE, who sent it to me, it has moved out into the public beyond this forum. Story in today’s Times-News. F&G to get tough…

  • Splitting from the Montana Wilderness Association, they issue statement against the wilderness and logging bill- Update 2-18. Tester’s Bill Causing Major Rift Among Wilderness Advocates. Former Montana Wilderness Association Council Members Bolt. By Bill Schneider. New West. Earlier ↓ As folks probably know, the Montana Wilderness Association supports Senator Tester’s Jobs and Recreation Act of…

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