
  • Conflicting landowner positions on wind development is scrambling Wyoming politics– If you look at a wind map of the U.S., the Laramie Mountains are perhaps the best wind area in the United States. That doesn’t mean wind gets to override property rights, however. Landowner group tries to block wind development in Northern Laramie Range. By…

  • The decreasing belief that Yellowstone bison are inherently brucellosis spreaders might open way for plains restoration- Today there is an optimistic article about bison by Daniel Person the Bozeman Chronicle. The bison cause brucellosis in cattle story has been under attack here and many other places now for a long time, and it is clear…

  • Evidence is grizzly restoration would be much easier if some would just migrate in as opposed to reintroduction- This article covers a lot of topics about grizzly recovery, bear tracking, restoration, and politics. Grizzlies in the Bitterroot Mountains politically thorny. By Rob Cheney.  Missoulian

  • Idaho’s governor wants to transfer state parks to Dept. of Lands. Folks fear loss of access to the Henry’s Fork- Arizona may shut down two-thirds of state parks. Associated Press The deep recession is taking a big hit on state parks in many states; even those parks that are big money makers.  Arizona has already…

  • Good news below in the press release from the Center for Biological Diversity- Capping a 13-year battle to save the American jaguar from extinction, this week the Center for Biological Diversity won a decision from the Obama administration to develop a recovery plan and protect essential habitat for North America’s largest and most endangered cat.…

  • It appears that some Utah legislators are reactionary too. One line of the bill states that “[t]he division shall capture or kill any wolf it discovers in the state, except for a wolf lawfully held in captivity.” At the bottom of the bill is the Legislative Review, which is written by the Office of Legislative…

  • Does he care that it will turn the Nevada/Utah border into a dustbowl? Guv ready to make Snake Valley water deal with Nevada. By Brandon Loomis. The Salt Lake Tribune Don’t sign, governor. Snake Valley water pact needs work. Salt Lake Tribune Editorial. We hoped the recent court loss by the Southern Nevada Water Authority…

  • Idaho Statesmen is not amused by the governor’s priorities- Our View: Lawsuits: An Idaho growth industry? – Idaho Statesman

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