
  • Idaho Senators shill for snowm0bile industry- ” . . . Mount Jefferson is a tiny portion of Tester’s plan, it is one that many supporters of the bill hold dear.” Read the rest in Idaho enters . . . By Daniel Person. Bozeman Chronicle. This is one where Idaho residents can really help. I’m emailing…

  • The nation’s legendary conservationist saw the value of preserving wildness. Perhaps someday politicians will too- Opinion in the LA Times. By James William Gibson

  • 2808 bison killed under the Schweitzer Administration In an address to the Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer boasted that “No governor in Montana history has sent more bison to slaughter than this governor.” During Schweitzer’s administration he has the dubious distinction of presiding over the deaths of 2808 wild bison, 1,616 of which…

  • Is there an explanation for this in the middle of the scheduled wolf hunt? Right in the middle of the wolf hunt and in the zone where there is the highest quota, Wildlife Services took to the air this week in their gunships and blasted away the long-standing Basin Butte Pack at Stanley, Idaho. This…

  • Western Watersheds new Montana office goes to work on another lawsuit- Environmentalists, outfitters file suit to end grazing in Upper Missouri River Breaks. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Note that earlier they filed to let Yellowstone bison use national forests outside of Yellowstone. This lawsuit was assigned to Judge Molloy. The bison lawsuit went to…

  • New York Times editorial complains- No ‘No More Wilderness’. New York Times editorial Speaking of Utah specifically. Despite a huge base of roadless country, Utah has made a small contribution to the National Wilderness Preservation System compared to other Western States, especially given the high percentage of state being U.S. public lands.  Utah could stand…

  • Fake bidder for oil and gas leases to stop last Administration’s leasing near Utah national parks loses his bid to rest his trial on global warming- It looks like Tim DeChristopher will pay heavily for his civil disobedience. Republican prosecutors were not amused, and the judge will not allow a defense based on necessity to…

  • Friend of pesticides and hormones for livestock nominated to be Chief Agriculture Negotiator- He even criticized Michelle Obama’s organic garden, but still got the nod.  And the Republicans say Obama is some kind of anti-corporate socialist! Islam Siddiqui, Obama Nominee, Under Fire From Environmentalists. The Huffington Post. Jenna Staul Questions for a Trade Official. New…

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