
  • Lawsuit’s aftermath forces Idaho’s Land Board set rules allowing conservationists to lease state grazing lands- The Western Watersheds Project was born when Jon Marvel outbid a rancher at a state grazing lease auction, and the Land Board gave the lease to the rancher anyway*. Finally, Idaho’s Land Board is apparently going to let other interests…

  • Nevada court decision against Southern Nevada Water Authority cautions Utah’s new governor- Herbert agrees to ‘go slow’ on Snake Valley water deal. In the meantime, Nevada courts are sorting out an in-state conflict. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune A danger is that Harry Reid will use the US Senate to help Nevada developers…

  • Scientific survey shows thumbs up for Schweitzer, Tester, Rehberg; big drop for Baucus- Story in the Missoulian. Baucus’ approval rating among Montanans drops by 20 percent. By Matt Gouras. Associated Press In any survey, it is good to look at the actual questions. Here are the full survey results.

  • Lawsuit settlement results in USFWS reclaiming decision-making authority over Mexican wolves- Folks are now hopeful that the failing effort to restore the Mexican wolf is out of the hands of a committee that had become captive to local anti-wolf interests. Deal on Mexican Gray Wolf. Associated Press in the New York Times – – –…

  • A new resource page for the case Western Watersheds Project, et al. v. Salazar I hope this new page will prove to be another site for good information on efforts to compell the Park Service and Forest Service to stop cooperating in the bison slaughter and eventually allow a significant number of bison to live…

  • This is a brief, but important update on the story we ran earlier this year on the 800 pound grizzly poached on the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. Reward now $11,000 for information about grizzly poaching. Great Falls Tribune staff. Here is the original story from the blog. Giant, 800 pound grizzly illegally killed on…

  • There are numerous items. The largest goes for complicated land transactions near the Blackfoot River- One of the items we need to find more about is Jon Tester’s addition of $1-million to pay livestock owners for livestock killed for wolves. It also provides funds for  projects keeping wolves away from livestock. The later could be…

  • Domestic Sheep/bighorn conflict is not limited to Idaho- Most of our news on this issue has been in Idaho where the Payette National Forest is about to come out with an environmental impact statement on how to protect the bighorn. This will have national effects such as described in this story about the two animals…

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