
  • Record Number of visits to Yellowstone Park in 2009- This has been in the news the last couple days. Rocky Barker blogged today about it, tying it to the recent popular PBS television film, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.”  Here is Barker’s blog in the Idaho Statesman. Americans flock to nation’s “best idea.” My…

  • Republicans boycotted the committee vote, so the Democrats passed the bill without them, 10 to 1- What the Democrats did is what you might expect, but in the past the Democrats have said, “Oh we need some bipartisanship,” when it is clear the minority at present wants nothing to do with bipartisanship. I guess no…

  • Over at New West you can follow the Montana Wilderness controversy closely- Yesterday Ken Cole posted Senator Tester Betrays Montana Wilderness, a sharply critical opinion piece written by Brian Peck. Bill Schneider has been following Montana’s 30 year Wilderness controversy for some time in his columns at New West. His many updates give folks a…

  • Spike in unhappy grizzly encounters in Greater Yellowstone could result in bill- While pepper spray isn’t always the answer in an encounter with a grizzly, most often it is with lots of benefits to humans and bears. Bear spray bill on the way. Proposal would require permitted backcountry users in griz country to carry pepper…

  • Most favored alternative 3 in the state’s wolf plan- While there seems to be no newspaper story on-line, I have heard from someone who attended the Seattle meeting on the Washington wolf plan. Wolf supporters dominated the meeting. Most of them favored alternative three, which is generally thought to be the alternative most favorable to…

  • I see it as a way for our western “royalty” to try to coerce Montana FWP into supporting wildife and fish-harmful plans- The land barons are trying to use hunters to pressure FWP into policies that are harmful to wildlife, but friendly to their private interests. The article says that for access, lots of these…

  • My view: Looks like the right people dislike the new chief- Todd Wilkinson has a good article on Jarvis, the new director of the National Parks System.  Long To-Do List for New U.S. Parks Chief. By Todd Wilkinson, Christian Science Monitor. This is the first consolidated article on Jarvis I have seen. As a regional…

  • Of course, Interior appropriations are not just for Montana– Here are a host more. Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill benefits Minnesota. Review-Messenger. Congress approves $475M to restore the Great Lakes. Deb Price / Detroit News Washington Bureau Boxer Secures Funding for Key Investments Throughout California. California Chronicle Funds for North Dakoka. Bismark Tribune. Schumer: Additional…

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