
  • Results of the Yellowstone Grizzly Coordinating Committee meeting Jackson, WY- I think we see the real reason they are upset that the judge relisted the grizzly bear in this statement: “Fremont County [Wyoming] Commissioner Pat Hickerson echoed Schwartz and several other commissioners when he said grizzly bears have begun to expand into areas where their…

  • SNWA loses right to suck 6- billlion gallons of water a year from under Nevada desert valleys- This is a blockbuster decision for the high desert of Nevada and western Utah and against the same old pattern of urban sprawl for Las Vegas. The state supreme court could yet rule for SNWA. It’s a big…

  • 23 wolves in pack killed for some reason- So far 12 wolves have been killed in Montana’s wolf hunt. It has generated a lot of controversy because most were taken in a small area just north of Yellowstone Park. Montana’s wolf hunt quota is 75. I read in the latest Montana Wolf Weekly Report today…

  • Study indicates 5000 mature individuals are needed for population viability Conservation Targets Too Small To Stop Extinction RedOrbit This determination could have profound implications for the protection of many species. Many biologists use a number of 2000 individuals in a population for maintenance of viable populations over the long term. In the Northern Rockies the…

  • Will there be a similar flight for opponents of the mining? No. A state owned plane carrying Lt. Gov. Brad Little, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, deputy Attorney General Clive Strong, and mining lobbyist Jack Lyman for a tour of eastern Idaho phosphate mining areas was paid for by mining…

  • Obama’s environmental policies reflect Bush’s. By John H. Weis. Op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune My opinion. Ralph Maughan. Obama is interesting in abating climate change and some high profile issues, but as we have complained many times he doesn’t seem to have any feeling for the public lands of the West, except maybe for…

  • Eight tracts will not be auctioned; 52 studied more, 17 given up to oil and gas interests- Tim DeChristopher’s brave disruption of the December 2008 oil and gas lease auction in Utah has resulted in a new decision by the new Secretary of Interior. Politicians and groups are characterizing it in differing fashions according to…

  • Details revealed how Park wolf pack was eliminated in Montana wolf hunt- The more you think about it, it is amazing how stupid it was for Montana to begin their wolf hunt right next to Yellowstone Park in the very place most of the wolves live. Kathie Lynch has a lot of detail I was…

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