
  • High Country News does major feature on the proposed draining of Nevada desert valleys, including Snake Valley on the NV/UT border- For some time now I have been posting stories on the diversion of desert valley aquifers to provide more water for glitter and sprawl at Sin City. These posts are but most modestly read.…

  • So far 15 have been killed- Here is the story with a local angle from the Idaho Mountain Express. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. With colder weather and more elk hunts open too, the pace of the wolf hunt will probably pick up.

  • This plan to drain the desert aquifer to fuel urban sprawl at Las Vegas is getting pretty contentious- Snake Valley water deal could kill Utahns, state’s top docs warn. Utah Medical Association presses governor to nix the accord with Nevada. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Folks have seen the Austrialian dust storms overwhelm…

  • Complicated ruling was a victory of sorts for conservation- Judge rejects U.S. management plan for California desert. By Louis Sahagun. LA Times. This was a huge case over a big area and a BLM plan that took 15 years to develop. My view of it as a partial victory is based on private email from…

  • Becomes another utility choosing realism over ideology- The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a “there ain’t no climate change” outfit organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is seeing a hemorrhage of support from utility corporations. Utility Quits Alliance Over Climate Change. By Kate Galbraith. New York Times.

  • Rocky Baker points out that the Idaho Cattle Association is pleasantly surprised- A lot of people I know worked hard to get Barack Obama elected President;  not just conservationists, but independents and Democrats who had sat on their hands for years. As Barker points out, after the election the traditional Western resource users (who are…

  • Obama’s “warmed-over-Dubya plan” for salmon is good enough to irritate Rep. Doc Hastings, however- We posted on this earlier. Reaction continues to come. Under Obama’s new salmon plan, breeching the dams on the Snake River in that state of Washington would be a last resort, rather than the plan salmon recovery advocates had hoped for…

  • We haven’t seen a lot of great names, but check out his column- Sherman’s Nomination Brings Obama Enviros to 34 The latest is Harris Sherman, executive director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources. By Ray Ring, High Country News

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