
  • Disgraced Idaho senator to try to cash in as lobbyist like many other ex members of congress- Former US Sen. Larry Craig opens consulting firm. The Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman. No doubt 3 years ago he thought his retirement, if it ever came, would be a lot more lucrative. Perhaps it will still…

  • Canal that caused landslide and death can be re-routed only at a high cost- That this canal failed should hardly have been a surprise. My grandfather, H.C. Hansen was a geologist. He lived underneath the canal on Canyon Road for many years. He died at age 97 back in 1969. One of the things all…

  • Bill Schneider gives it a detailed analysis- I won’t go over the details because Schneider seems to do a good job, but my general impression is that there is no reason for Montana conservationists to support this, even though it is not immediately clear whether the “stewardship” elements are good, bad or neutral. What Tester’s…

  • Bill Moyers considers whether Obama has sold out environmentalists. Obama and Environmentalists ~ Bill Moyers Journal – July 17, 2009 Bill Moyers’ blog goes on to ask : How Should America Respond to Global Warming?

  • Some bad ideas just won’t die- My first involvement in a conservation battle was trying to stop the building of the Teton Dam. We lost. It failed in June 1976 as it was filling for the first time. It killed eleven and cost a billion dollars in damage payouts. It would have been a money…

  • Looks like the agency and groups are jumping off the wall. Good! Story about this idiot proposal. By Jessica Mayrer. Bozeman Chronicle staff writer

  • On the Mexican wolf recovery program- “The [Mexican] wolves will go extinct,” Michael Robinson, conservation advocate with the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity, says. “If the program is continued exactly the way it is now, these wolves will go extinct.” – – – – – In my view the federal government’s Mexican Wolf Recovery program…

  • The ban on traps would apply to public lands only- Story in the Great Falls Tribune. Group aims to put a stop to trapping on public lands. By Michael Babcock.  Great Falls Tribune Outdoor Editor. – – – – – News Release from Footloose, Montana- Footloose Montana Proposes “Montana Trap-Free Public Lands Initiative” Helena, Mont.…

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