
  • New York Times very positive on the new Director of the National Park Service- When President Obama nominated Jon Jarvis to head the Park Service, I was not familiar with him. However, the New York Times thinks Jarvis is the “best news [they] have heard in the past nine years about the national parks” New…

  • Likely new Justice expected to help stem anti-environmental trend by the Court’s activist conservative justices- The last term of the Supreme Court was the most anti-environmental in memory, ruling against conservation groups in all cases. New Chief Justice Roberts joined with Justice Scalia and other conservative justices to ignore settled law, and precedent,* so to…

  • Broke California’s governor wants to close the state’s parks. Feds say this breaks the rules for six of them- 6 California parks could revert to federal control. LA Times. By Julie Cart. Closing the State Parks will probably do more economic damage than the management money saved, but then nothing about California’s self-made budget crisis…

  • Is the bill, compromised as it is, better than nothing? The Climate Bill has passed the House. It still must clear the Senate where the coal, gas and oil lobbyists hope to make still better for them. There are those who blame Obama for not spending more of his still considerable political capital on this.…

  • I hope folks won’t get into an unpleasant argument about immigration/illegal aliens, etc. Regardless, the wall harms many species of wildlife. However, “. . . technology and alterations to the design could dramatically improve the potential for animals to move more freely between the two countries” according to scientists. US-Mexico Border Wall Could Threaten Wildlife…

  • This may or may not be precedent setting, but it would allow public hunting in a national park. This is forbidden except in Grand Teton NP. Editorial. New York Times. Elk Hunting in the Badlands

  • This is the first time in quite a while to hear a serious proposal to increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund- Report urges investing billions in natural treasures. Federal government » Interior secretary says in times of difficulty we look to our landscapes for greatness. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune.…

  • Privatization does not always happen directly. Western Lands Project looks at the sneaky ways- Wilderness Dedux. From the Goat Blog in High Country News. In recent years we have seen the emergence of “quid pro quo” Wilderness, where Wilderness is designated only if some developors are authorized to do something bad in exchange. This was…

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