
  • Lest we forget the loss of our freedom that comes with the privatization of our public lands- Copyright © Ralph Maughan 2009

  • Someone must have told Palin she’s a contender for a presidential run in 2012 ? Good luck with that ex-Governor Palin … If you think you can handle it, there’s the video of Sarah Palin’s resignation speech on the Huffington Post link : Sarah Palin Resigning as Alaska’s Governor – Huffington Post And a great…

  • Finally some international pressure on the coal pit/coalbed methane proposals just northwest of Glacier (and Waterton) National Parks- United Nations Will Study Threats to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. By Dan Testa, Flathead Beacon (in New West)

  • Does this third court rejection of Bush national forest rules put a stake through its heart? The 2005 Bush revision of the rules for national forest planning were especially aimed at ignoring wildlife even though the law — the National Forest Management Act of 1976 — required plans to provide for species viability. That meant…

  • New controls complete after more than 60,000 air quality violations- New controls. Farmington (NM) Daily Times. This has long been a major polluter of the air and water of the 4-Corners country of the southwest.

  • This is one reason why livestock groups rule. The public doesn’t know what goes on- Link Fixed! Idaho, still without disclosure, ranks last again. The Associated Press

  • The western states never owned the U.S. public lands (federal lands) inside their boundaries- One of the the oldest myths perpetrated in rural areas of the public land states is that the national forests, parks, and BLM lands somehow at some time belonged to the state, and these lands were somehow wrested into federal ownership.…

  • Another article about the menace of domestic sheep to our precious bighorn populations- On the Range. Wild Bighorns Threatened by Domestic Sheep. By George Wuerthner. New West. “Should domestic sheep be permitted to graze on public lands when their presence threatens the survival of wild bighorn sheep? That’s a question that is increasingly getting serious…

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