Department of Interior

  • Right wing outcry brings milita. Violence? It’s difficult to find news stories that stick to the issue of the 21 years Cliven Bundy has been in violation of the laws governing American public lands. The lone rancher trying to save his cattle from the “govmnt” is just too good a theme. Then too, they don’t…

  • Total trespass cattle secured 389- 134 cattle secured by Monday night- 43 additional cattle by Tuesday night- 75 more cattle by Wednesday night- 25 more Thursday night, 12 more Friday night- On Saturday, April 5 the U.S. Bureau of Land Management BLM) began rounding up the hundreds of cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy of…

  • Popular Lake Mead/BLM desert area to be closed in portions to secure cattle of scofflaw rancher- See updates at the bottom of the article. “Public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Clark County, Nevada, within the Gold Butte, Mormon Mesa, Bunkerville Flats Areas will see temporary closures to the public beginning…

  • With all of the horrible things happening in Idaho’s wolf management, it is hard to focus on other, perhaps more, important issues facing Idaho wildlife.  With a deadline of 2015 bearing down for the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to make a decision about whether the greater sage grouse should receive protection under the…

  • A rundown on the anti-wildlife, pro livestock things sneaked into the new U.S. budget just signed into law- By now, everyone has heard about yesterday’s passage of a $1.1 trillion budget bill. But it’s unlikely that many people have heard about anti-wildlife, pro-grazing details that are hiding there. Special interests always seem to get their…

  • There are a lot of wildlife related stories. Washington Post and Wildlife Services- There have been many efforts to raise public perception of the depredations of the misnamed federal agency “Wildlife Services,” which might have been named that so that folks will confuse it with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or a state fish…

  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments on the proposed listing of the Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Following the status review, the Service will either publish a proposed rule to protect the Arctic grayling under the ESA, or a withdrawal from candidate…

  • Survey reveals deep support for our national parks; So does the efforts to place blame for shutdown- When the “non-essential” government programs were ended for a month during the recent government shutdown, one that was missed the most was the National Parks system — the national parks, monuments, recreation areas, heritage sites, battlefields. The laying…

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