Department of Interior
There are a lot of wildlife related stories. Washington Post and Wildlife Services- There have been many efforts to raise public perception of the depredations of the misnamed federal agency “Wildlife Services,” which might have been named that so that folks will confuse it with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or a state fish…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments on the proposed listing of the Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Following the status review, the Service will either publish a proposed rule to protect the Arctic grayling under the ESA, or a withdrawal from candidate…
Survey reveals deep support for our national parks; So does the efforts to place blame for shutdown- When the “non-essential” government programs were ended for a month during the recent government shutdown, one that was missed the most was the National Parks system — the national parks, monuments, recreation areas, heritage sites, battlefields. The laying…
On September 1, 2013, The Sagebrush Habitat Conservation Fund completed the permanent retirement from livestock grazing of over 130,000 acres of public land in the former 45 and Tent Creek grazing allotments in Owyhee County, Idaho. This permanently closes over 200 square miles of public lands to livestock grazing, ensuring habitat improvements for sage-grouse, California bighorn sheep,…
We’ve seen it numerous times before when a member of Congress votes against funding their local district or state relies on, but then turns in a posture that says someone else was responsible and their local project could be run for free. Wyoming Republican Senator John Barasso and Wyoming’s lone U.S. House member Cynthia Lummis…
Parks, wildlife refuges, national forests closed due to failure to pass a budget- (This story has the shutdown rules for 4 land management agencies) There was no last minute deal for a temporary budget extension passed at midnight. The federal government will now partially shut down. “Essential services” will continue without a budget. However, the…
The recently released Department of Interior Fiscal Year 2012 Economic Report shows that Grazing on BLM Public Lands Accounts for only 0.41% of the nation’s livestock receipts and only 17,000 jobs. In contrast, recreation accounts for 372,000 jobs and contributes $45 billion to the economy. According to the report, the BLM permits 12.4 million animal unit…
The Spectrum is reporting (be sure to read both pages) that Cliven Bundy has appealed the order to remove his trespass cattle from Federal lands in southern Nevada. Bundy says he intends to “keep on ranching, like [he’s] always done.” He claims that the federal government has no jurisdiction over federal lands because they really aren’t…