Department of Interior

  • In 1994 the BLM cancelled the grazing permit of Cliven Bundy, 4 years later a federal court required the removal of cattle from the Bunkerville allotment in southern Nevada, the BLM is still struggling to get them removed. We reported on this ongoing case of trespass last May, shortly after the BLM decided not to…

  • Yesterday the Desert Independent reported that on Election Day, after being asked about the treatment of wild horses and allegations made in a recent ProPublica article about the illegal sale of wild horses to a slaughter facility in Mexico, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar turned to the reporter and said “If you set me up like this again,…

  • Past efforts to grab national forests, parks, wildlife refuges led by livestock industry. Now it will be Koch Bros, oil, GOP- Some call our public lands “American’s common treasure,” but the love of our land expressed in many forms, and the freedom they provide, have not stopped what are sometimes called “sagebrush rebellions” every decade…

  • Did non-violent protest work here? The news is that Tim de Christopher is getting out of a California federal prison a bit early, after 18 months instead of 2 years.  He will serve out the last 6 months in a Salt Lake City halfway house.  Presumably there in work release they will try to have…

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can’t let the rare carnivore just languish as a candidate endangered species- Dana Christensen, a Montana federal district court judge has denied the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s (“the Service”) motion to dismiss a conservationist lawsuit that asks for a prompt decision to give endangered species protection for the…

  • Debate over immigration and enforcement attracts major effort to savage environmental laws within 100 miles of the borders- OPINION Americans are having a heated debate over illegal immigration, cross border drug smuggling and what to do about it.  This has attracted some very contentious legislation at the state and federal levels. The President, various state…

  • The Idaho Statesman reports that Mike Simpson has withdrawn the rider which would have prevented the BLM and US Forest Service from addressing the ongoing issue of disease transmission from domestic sheep to bighorn sheep and would have bypassed years of analysis and a long public process which generated 15,000 public comments. The rider would…

  • Farm bill being debated will not permit votes on savage anti-conservation amendments- The Farm Bill in the Senate originally had over 300 proposed amendments, including several that would be real outdoors wreckers such as deliberately misnamed “Sportsmens Heritage Act“. . A few beneficial amendments that would have truly helped conserve our land and water were…

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