Department of Interior

  • Western Watersheds Project wins initial court victory  Western Watersheds Project (WWP) has won a federal court order overturning the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Idaho and the Pinedale Field Office in Wyoming.  These two plans affect management on over 2.5…

  • Well, the BLM has done it again, they’ve managed to wipe out another herd of bighorn sheep.  A herd of California bighorn sheep in the Snowstorm Mountains of northern Nevada is the latest victim of disease caused by domestic sheep.  While the Nevada Department of Wildlife hesitates to say whether interaction with domestic sheep is…

  • Effort by Idaho Republican to cut all new endangered species listings is stripped out of the critical 2012 Interior Budget Bill- Dicks’ amendment to DOI Appropriations bill in the House passes!! House Appropriations subcommitte chair Mike Simpson of Eastern Idaho figured he had it all lined up to abolish the listing of endangered species by…

  • H.R.1581 Bruce Babbit, former Secretary of the Interior in the Clinton Administration, claims that the wolf delisting rider was the wake-up call that brought him back into the foray on public land and wildlife issues.  Now he’s taking aim at a piece of legislation that would capitalize on Congress’s slow action and open up greater…

  • Peaceful disruptor of BLM oil auction to be sentenced today by our ExxonMobil government- Bill Mckibben opines on today’s sentencing of Tim DeChristopher by a government that couldn’t find a single corrupt banker after they just about destroyed the economy back in 2008. Tim DeChristopher and the feds. By Bill Mckibben.  The Salt Lake Tribune.…

  • Update on efforts to kill the anti-conservation measures in the House’s DOI budget bill for 2012- This is a thorough update to the earlier story we posted on this. House Democrats to Take Aim at Policy Riders in Interior, EPA Spending Battle. New York Times. By Jean Chemnick. A fair amount focuses on why (shudder)…

  • Finally, what we need to hear! Yesterday the Office of the President released a detailed statement saying “The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 2584, making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012.” “If the President is presented with a bill that…

  • Conservationists have been putting in a lot of hours for a lot of years on the Green Mountain Common Allotment – and rightfully so;  At 522,000 acres it’s the largest unfenced public land grazing allotment in the country, and it’s a landscape that’s been brutalized by livestock for far too long. Green Mountain grazing decision doesn’t…

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