Department of Interior

  • Could anything similar happen despite Wyoming’s inland location? The corrupt and discredited Minerals Management Service (MMS) both regulates and collects royalties from off-shore oil and gas. Inland, the BLM does the same, and that agency is full of problems too.  You have to wonder if Salazar has been on the job correcting the BLM’s decline…

  • The inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years – and let the world’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder A revealing article in Rolling Stone points out how Obama and Salazar did nothing to reform the well known corruption at MMS. It is expected…

  • Bob Abbey, BLM director is taking over Minerals Management Service. RL Miller looks at Abbey’s past in the revolving door- Mr. Abbey Goes to Washington, Cleans Up MMS. Or Not. By RL Miller. Daily Kos. Is a man who hasn’t reformed the BLM the one who will reform MMS?

  • One bottleneck is crucial to the continuation of the many thousand year seasonal migration from Jackson Hole to the Red Desert- We haven’t discussed this for a couple years. There is an especially good article on Trapper’s Point constriction in The Trappers’ Point Antelope Trail – A Precarious Wildlife Corridor. By Emilene Ostlind. Wyofile.

  • Not sure what this will mean for BLMs programs, if anything– Bob Abbey, director of the Bureau of Land Management to take over running MMS. Huffington Post.

  • Dozens of Environmental Groups and Scientists sign letter asking Obama for Ken Salazar’s Resignation. WildEarth Guardians initiated the drive to find signatories to the letter in which a number of conservation groups and scientists have called for the resignation of Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar. Many of the signatories had asked Obama to not appoint…

  • Politics still reigns supreme in the Interior Department A new report outlines how very little has changed under Obama and Salazar. Science is being ignored and managers manipulate it to support predetermined political outcomes. In my experience, I would say that the Interior Department under Obama and Salazar is as bad or worse than under…

  • Nevada’s energy chief wants to take Federal Lands and hand them over to energy companies. Jim Groth, an appointee of Governor Jim Gibbons, published a declaration which calls for turning the State of Nevada into an energy colony and he doesn’t think it should be subject to National Environmental Policy Act requirements. “The greatest thing…

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