Department of Interior

  • Exploration can begin immediately- BLM authorizes Grand Canyon uranium exploration.By Eric Bontrager. New York Times. BLM Defies Congress, Authorizes Grand Canyon Uranium Exploration. by Mcjoan. The Daily Kos. “This is not a positive development from Salazar’s Interior Department.” In my view Obama’s public land policies are turning out to be no better than George W.…

  • Despite nominations by the President, only Ken Salazar has been approved by the U.S. Senate- One reason we haven’t seen much change in the B.L.M., National Park Service, etc. is that Senate Republicans are holding up action on the nominations. Interior staff’s top seats in limbo. Politics » Hatch and Bennett oppose nominee, adding to…

  • This morning arguments were heard in federal court concerning a Justice Department’s motion to split up WWP’s giant (over 25 million acre) BLM lawsuit into several district courts rather than to have one judge hear the case. Lawyers ask judge to split sweeping grazing suit – Todd Dvorak, Associated Press Laird Lucas, WWP’s lawyer and…

  • U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck- Bogus bidder: BLM auction monkey-wrencher faces two felonies. Drilling . U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Added 4/4/2009. Did DeChristopher’s outspokenness seal his fate? By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Is…

  • Bill would protect large land donation to the federal government from massive solar industrialization- We ran a story on this the other day. Group sees ‘violation of trust’ WILDLANDS CONSERVANCY: It brokered a BLM deal to protect the desert acres that are now being opened to development. Now Senator Feinstein is determined that the fund…

  • WILDLANDS CONSERVANCY: It brokered a BLM deal to protect the desert acres that are now being opened to development. Group sees ‘violation of trust’ By JANET ZIMMERMAN The Press-Enterprise

  • This helps makes up a bit for the bad news on wolves today- Tucson, Arizona Today, a federal judge reversed the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to allow livestock grazing on 412,000 acres of public land managed by the Bureau’s Kingman Field Office. Saying, “Cattle are not ghosts. They are bigger and heavier than any…

  • Western lands: Obama should pick Hahn for BLM. From Daniel’s News and Views. – – – – Note: Daniel Patterson is in the Arizona legislature, and he keeps a worthwhile blog.

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