Department of Interior

  •  This is important news for management of public lands in sage-steppe country. Judge rules in southwest Idaho grazing case – AP A federal judge has directed the Bureau of Land Management to rethink the way it manages grazing across thousands of acres of southern Idaho, especially the impact livestock have on sage grouse and other threatened…

  • Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration- Interior Secretary Cancels Leases on Federal Land in Utah. Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration.By Juliet Eilperin.Washington Post Staff Writer. April Clauson reported this in a comment earlier. Above is the full story. – – – –…

  • The folks in Harry Reid’s hometown are not thrilled about plans for wind turbine development- An interesting story from Government Scoping Meeting: Residents React to Industrial Wind Farm Proposal. By LMC Searchlight, Nevada area map.

  • The Subsidized Destruction of the American West Continues. $1.35 per AUM The Federal grazing fee for 2009 will be $1.35 per animal unit month (AUM) for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month (HM) for lands managed by the Forest Service. The grazing fee for 2009 is the…

  • Nancy Killefer, President Barack Obama’s new chief performance officer, asked to target wasteful natural resource programs- To offset the cost of the stimulus package, President Obama has created a new position to look for existing government programs that are useless and wasteful. WildEarth Guardians has some ideas! Environmentalists want Obama appointee to end waste. By…

  • A Model for the Future? What was wrong with a national monument? Unlikely Allies. Owyhees Initiative unites warring factions. By Deanna Darr. Boise Weekly. I’ve never been much of an enthusiast for the Owyhee Country because my picture of it is scenic, vertical-walled deep canyons with piles of manure and cheatgrass separating them. With the…

  • Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act- Bill Would Stop Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon National Park. ENS Ex-Secretary of Interior Kempthorne deliberately refused to prevent this potentially massive group of developments from being halted despite protests from the Los Angeles Water District, the Southern Nevada Water Authority, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Coconino County and…

  • Decision stopped bidders from taking possession of controversial leases just hours before they were final- 11th-Hour Court Order Blocks Oil and Gas Leases in Utah. By Felicity Barranger. New York Times. A temporary restraining has order stopped the winning bidders from the Dec. 19 lease sale from taking possession of tens of 110,000 acres of…

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