Department of Interior

  • This is a revised version of an earlier story. Here is the news release from the Western Watersheds Project. Rocky Barker also discusses it in his recent blog. BLM Report On The Murphy Complex Wild Fire Shows That Grazing Has Little Effect On Fire Behavior. Idaho BLM has released a long awaited Report on the…

  • The East Shell Rock fire in the Jarbidge Wilderness of extreme northern Nevada was allowed to burn for “ecological benefits,”* but it burned well outside the Wilderness, destroying some of the last sagebrush stands suitable for sage grouse in the area. There is suspicion that was done to help powerful ranchers, who want more grass…

  • Mike Hudak has written a book about what it is like for the citizen-activists who are fighting the livestock industry over livestock abuses on your western public lands. It can be pretty dangerous, especially to your job. Review of the book. The Politics of Public Lands Ranching. Western Turf Wars. By Jamie Newlin. Counterpunch. I…

  • Bush proposes rules on oil shale development. Though energy retrieval through the process has been largely discredited, optimists remain. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Folks might recall that Bush’s former Secretary of Interior, Gale Norton, the scourge of our public lands, is now a lobbyists for oil shale. . . . . more…

  • We’ve seen this heedless rush to oil shale before, just ahead of the inevitable bust. By Senator Ken Salazar. Salt Lake Tribune (reprinted from the Washington Post). Salazar is a U.S. Senator from Colorado, the state where much of the oil shale lies.

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15, 2008 CONTACT: Brent Fenty 541-330-2638 Jon Marvel 208-788-2290 Ninth Circuit orders Bureau of Land Management to evaluate wilderness values on public lands PORTLAND, ORE. — The Bureau of Land Management must rewrite its land use plan for southeast Oregon due to a landmark decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of…

  • Ten environmentalist groups are stepping up to the plate and litigating BLM’s decision to allow drilling of one of so many of the West’s beautiful public lands recently put up to the chopping block : Enviros sue to block Roan drilling leases – Denver Business Journal

  • Bush’s BLM had put a moratorium on solar energy lease applications for development on public lands wanting to wait for comprehensive environmental analysis before accepting new applications. The moratorium met an uproar of opposition. Now, the moratorium is dead. Solar application moratorium called off – AP

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