Forest Service
Suit asks federal judge to stop Forest Service and Park Service from participating in Montana’s annual bison slaughter- As winter comes, Montana Department of Livestock and 4 other agencies are again gearing up to kill bison that wander from the confines of Yellowstone Park under the discredited argument these will spread brucellosis. This year they…
Record Number of visits to Yellowstone Park in 2009- This has been in the news the last couple days. Rocky Barker blogged today about it, tying it to the recent popular PBS television film, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.” Here is Barker’s blog in the Idaho Statesman. Americans flock to nation’s “best idea.” My…
Comparison of two sites, Nov. 4, 2009, in the Mink Creek drainage south of Pocatello, Idaho- Mink Creek is a popular recreation area on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, just south of Pocatello, Idaho. The first 3-4 miles have no livestock grazing. As the drainage gains slowly in elevation, it is grazed from about June 1…
Is this a move away from Obama’s previous commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule ? In May, the Obama administration announced its intention to give Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack top level oversight over incursions into roadless areas. The move was said to be Obama’s re-commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule. Obama administration inches away…
Too many griz were feeding on gut piles from past hunters- The Beattie Gulch area on the Gallatin N.F. has been closed to hunting by the Forest Service. Larry Thorngren reported to us the other day that this gathering of grizzly bears was taking place. Hunters have been mauled before in Beattie Gulch, e.g., two…
New path essentially creates a new road near Bear Lake Rancher admits that they departed from the approved route, which had an old fenceline already cut, because they didn’t want to go through the Forest Service process of getting it changed. “It’s just completely ridiculous, the process they have,” Wamsley says. The new route cuts…
Here’s a classic- As I mentioned in an earlier comment, I got a new camera today. I headed to the mountains south of Pocatello to try it out and came back with a disgusting photo (as well as some attractive landscapes).
Elk numbers depend not just on birth minus mortality, but on square miles of area where they can find something to eat- There are many places in the West where elk could live and thrive if they had something to eat, but they don’t. Livestock is the reason. Aside from those areas of continuous forest…