Forest Service

  • The East Shell Rock fire in the Jarbidge Wilderness of extreme northern Nevada was allowed to burn for “ecological benefits,”* but it burned well outside the Wilderness, destroying some of the last sagebrush stands suitable for sage grouse in the area. There is suspicion that was done to help powerful ranchers, who want more grass…

  • The final roadless area rule for Idaho has been released. There are many improvements in the rule, especially in Eastern Idaho where I live. When President Bush tried to overturn the Clinton roadless rule (protecting all the national forest roadless areas as what you might call “backcountry” or sorts), western governors were invited to develop…

  • Mike Hudak has written a book about what it is like for the citizen-activists who are fighting the livestock industry over livestock abuses on your western public lands. It can be pretty dangerous, especially to your job. Review of the book. The Politics of Public Lands Ranching. Western Turf Wars. By Jamie Newlin. Counterpunch. I…

  • Earlier we had a conversation about the Idaho Conservation League’s decision to cut a deal green-lighting a cobalt mine near Salmon, Idaho.  Details of that deal were promised today (Monday) : Formation Capital and Idaho Conservation League Reach Agreement on Conservation Program – marketwire Mine, environmentalists hail ID cobalt mine deal – Todd Dvorak –…

  • The back and forth over Clinton’s Roadless Rule continues. U.S. Judge in Wyoming Rules Against Ban on Forest Roads – NY Times

  • Heath Druzin and Rocky Barker discuss fire policy, suppression and keeping your public forests manicured: ‘Only you’ can change how we deal with fire – Idaho Statesman

  • Rocky Barker writes how the Blue Ribbon Coalition (an off-road vehicle lobby) doesn’t like the new Smokey the Bear ad that says ATVs can start wildfires. This is true. Such fires happen all the time. So do dirt bikes and full-sized vehicles that travel over dry grass. I started one once with my truck is…

  • There has been a sudden outbreak of rationality about elk and brucellosis. Good for Governor Schweitzer. Feedgrounds under fire. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

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