Forest Service
The Forest Service did deny the expansion in size of several of them and has imposed a few restrictions. The Muddy Creek feedlot was the source of infection of elk to brucellosis several years back when Wyoming first lost its brucellosis free status. Story. Elk feed areas get 20 years. Forest supervisor rejects additions to…
“Diary of a Mad Voter: Joan McCarter” Wildfires: House Passes Proactive (Really?) FLAME Act “When it comes to being forward thinking, proactive and strategically-thinking, the last organization that comes to mind is Congress. But this time, with the FLAME Act, they’ve done it.” By Joan McCarter, New West. 7-15-08 McCarter argues, correctly I think, that…
Bitterroot Resort’s latest proposal rejected. By Perry Backus. Ravalli Republic Good!
Appeals court reopens long quieted Jarbidge road fight. Rocky Barker. Letters from the West. Idaho Statesman. Significantly Mother Nature sent a huge boulder crashing down on road the other day. Hopefully that is a good omen for the future. Copyright © Katie Fite
Late season, high altitude snowmobiling has been a contentious issue for a long time on the Flathead National Forest. Here is a victory for bear conservationists. Judge Molloy limits late snowmobiling season in favor of Flathead grizzlies. Daily InterLake. By Jim Mann
Good for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition on this! This alert gives the information and allows you to send an easy eletter against yet another disease-spreading elk feedlot in the Gros Ventre River drainage (of course, your completely personalized letter is always better).
Energy leasing advances. Controversy fails to stop Bridger-Teton. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide. Earlier story on this (April 23). Wyoming Governor: Forest deal ‘suspect’. Federal government gave energy company broad influence over study of Wyo. Range. Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Governor: Forest deal ‘suspect’ – Federal government gave energy company broad influence over study of Wyoming Range. By Noah Brenner and Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole, Wyo. Jackson Hole News and Guide. In the process of drilling a well on public land, granting of the lease is the most important legal step. Once the lease is…