National Parks

  • “Sportsmen’s Heritage Act” no favor to sportsmen or to America’s outdoor heritage- Updated on 2:10 AM. June 6, 2012 Back in 1924, when some parts of the public lands began to be set aside for protection as primitive places that would never be developed (not open to commercial logging, mining, or building) and where visitors…

  • Numerous wind turbines now erected in Spring Valley, Nevada- The project to install 66, 275 foot tall wind turbines directly below the heights of Great Basin National Park, Nevada is now well underway as the April 22, 2012 photo shows.  Nevada’s first wind farm, which will disturb almost 15 square miles, was approved by the…

  • Utah and Arizona trying to seize national parks, forests, BLM land- The self-styled “sagebrush rebels” have never won any important victory in court. They have been repeatedly put down, but the idea that ownership of a fair portion of the West by the U.S. government is wrong or unconstitutional keeps coming back as soon as…

  • Just 9 wolves, one of which is female. It looks bleak- It’s probably the longest study of wolves in history  (since 1958).  The wolf numbers have been up and down along with the moose they eat many times since then. But now with just one female, it clearly looks like the end of the wolves…

  • Is the strategy, cut their budgets and make up the difference with a private “appropriation” from the self-interested, cutting out the public? We all know the watchword in Washington has been cut, cut, cut the budgets of all the agencies that look out after the public interest under the guise that we have a terrible,…

  • Dr. William Ripple and colleague issue report that sees Park ecology improved in almost all ways- Many of the people supporting wolf restoration to Yellowstone Park and the Rocky Mountains did so mostly on the basis of the favorable ecological changes expected, not because they were particularly enchanted with wolves. The article by Drs. Ripple…

  • Wolf delisting rider and most of the highly unpopular giveaways to polluters and abusers of our public lands are defeated- The conference report on the 2012 appropriations bill for most non-defense expenditures has been finalized.  Instead of merely appropriating more or less money for agencies many ideologically loaded amendments or riders were added, mostly by…

  • Video now added- Because they are so visible and photogenic, people are always interested in news about grizzly bear 399 and her cubs and also her adult daughter grizzly 610 and her offspring. This year they moved to the very southern part of Grand Teton National Park. That has caused both joy and consternation, and…

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