National Parks
Wolf delisting rider and most of the highly unpopular giveaways to polluters and abusers of our public lands are defeated- The conference report on the 2012 appropriations bill for most non-defense expenditures has been finalized. Instead of merely appropriating more or less money for agencies many ideologically loaded amendments or riders were added, mostly by…
Video now added- Because they are so visible and photogenic, people are always interested in news about grizzly bear 399 and her cubs and also her adult daughter grizzly 610 and her offspring. This year they moved to the very southern part of Grand Teton National Park. That has caused both joy and consternation, and…
Abundant grass in mountains and lack of snow keeps elk off of Refuge- The amazing wet spring and early summer continue to affect wildlife (and hunting) in NW Wyoming. Usually this time of year elk are moving onto the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole. This year, however, numbers are very low, with prized bulls…
Inevitable result of using private donations to make up for congressional funding shortfalls? Tossing empty water bottles into the Grand Canyon is just the kind of thing people hate to see, but it happens all the time anyway. About a third of the trash is empty convenience water bottles. As a result, the Park began…
Latest chapter in a thick book of controversy over hunt is being written- The inclusion of most of the area inside Grand Teton National Park (the valley portion) happened after a long and bitter controversy. The present boundary of the Park was established in 1950 after significant concessions to the usual opponents of change in…
The sow was implicated in the two Park deaths by grizzly this summer- Finally two stories come together — the couple attacked near Wapiti Lake near Canyon and the lone hiker found dead by grizzly deep in the Hayden Valley. The Park Service decided it was done by the same female grizzly bear. Her earlier…
Controversial since 1950, critics make renewed effort to close this unique national park elk hunt- It was part of the deal that made Jackson Hole National Monument into a national park back in 1950. This elk hunt in a fairly small, but prominent part of the Park has always been controversial. There is a new…
GOP-backed bill tries to give Homeland Security a pass on environmental laws within 100 miles of international borders for “national security” The “National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act (H.R. 1505),” is slowly moving in the GOP-controlled House. So far hearings have been held. Supporters say it would help border patrol activities by waiving 36…