National Parks
Land and Water Conservation Funds cuts hurt places that depend on wildlife and scenery, Interior Sec. says- The Land and Water Conservation Fund dates to the Eisenhower Administration. It is to purchase important conservation lands (and waters). The Fund’s monies come from oil leasing fees so to make up for the damage oil exploration and…
Climbers warn they cause ice falls and avalanches during summer climbing season- The usual complaint is that these rouge pilots hurt wildlife. The can also injure or kill mountain climbers Opinion by Jason Robertson. Missoulian.
It is almost a month and a half late! Highline Trail, Ptarmigan Tunnel open in snowy Glacier National Park. By Tristan Scott. The Missoulian
Photographers don’t like the new rules promoted because of the people watching GB 399, 610 and cubs- Photographers now have to keep further back– Jackson Hole Daily. By Thomas Dewell.
GB399 gives one of her cubs to her daughter, 610? These famous Grand Teton bears just became more famous with the apparent movement of one of 399’s cubs to that of her grown daughter, 610; who already has two cubs of the year. Grizzly Sows Apparently Swap A Cub In Grand Teton National Park. By…
Effects of winter linger into late June- Roads, campgrounds closed this weekend. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole Daily. An interesting sidelight of this story is that peregrine falcons have been “dive bombing” (stooping) climbers of Baxter’s Pinnacle near the mouth of Cascade Canyon in the Tetons (Grand Teton National Park). The area is now closed…
Salazar extends ban on filing new mining claims on a million acres of public land near the canyon- Addition: Sierra Club happy (see bottom) Salazar put the ban in place in 2009 after worry he would not. Now he has extended it six months. The Bush Administration had encouraged filing claims. which are property rights.…
Long battle to keep off-roaders out of the bottom of Salt Creek- Salt Creek is a wet canyon in Canyonlands National Park. So it is rare and very valuable. Way back near the time the national park was created, NPS left it open to ORVs, not realizing how the use would grow. The mudboggers surely…