National Parks
About $15-million on Yellowstone- My opinion. Anyone who has traveled extensively will find many Park and public land projects were originally built with stimulus funds from the Great Depression. You will often find a cabin, amphitheater, trail, etc. was built by the New Deal’s CCC or WPA. Despite the controversy over the stimulus funds for…
Famed former Baca Ranch could emerge as national park after failed “free market” experiment- I have never been to this famous New Mexico supervolcano area with its scenic, but degraded grasslands and forests. The area is notable for its elk, but the herd is much smaller than it could be due to the competition with…
Draft environmental statement for this brucellosis vaccine finds many negatives, few benefits- It (RB-51 vaccine) barely works as a vaccine. If it does work at all, it will take generations to make a difference. It might make the brucellosis bacteria more robust instead. Bison will soon become wary of people. It is expensive. Vaccinated bison…
Not all, but most pollution comes from nearby agriculture- Studies Confirm Presence, Severity of Pollution in US National Parks. Science Daily The worst of the problems is pesticides.
Southern Utah county hides behind huge records request fee to keep citizens in the dark over efforts to build roads all over the public lands- My hope is this county of inbred idiots keeps losing and wasting money until the public is totally outraged Kane road battle turns into fight over records. By Mark Havnes.…
For years Senator McCain has posed as a friend of restoring quiet over the Grand Canyon- It’s not true, and on Monday the U.S. Senate will vote on his amendment that would lock in the noise for a lot more time, according to the Sierra Club. Of course you would be wise to do your…
It failed, as it should- Story in the Salt Lake Tribune. Senate rejects move to bar new monuments. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune.
Obama’s supposed list of new national monuments was just a DOI brainstorming session- Last week Fox News reported with bells and whistles that the President might create a large number of new national monuments on federal land in Western States. I didn’t bother to link to the story because the leaked document clearly looked some…