National Parks

  • As the economy of the high plains falters decade after decade, the idea of a big high plains park could really help the economy- A new park to save the plains, We already have approached this idea here in our discussion of the population decline of northeast Montana with wildlife from the Rockies, such…

  • Suit asks federal judge to stop Forest Service and Park Service from participating in Montana’s annual bison slaughter- As winter comes, Montana Department of Livestock and 4 other agencies are again gearing up to kill bison that wander from the confines of Yellowstone Park under the discredited argument these will spread brucellosis. This year they…

  • Record Number of visits to Yellowstone Park in 2009- This has been in the news the last couple days. Rocky Barker blogged today about it, tying it to the recent popular PBS television film, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.”  Here is Barker’s blog in the Idaho Statesman. Americans flock to nation’s “best idea.” My…

  • My view: Looks like the right people dislike the new chief- Todd Wilkinson has a good article on Jarvis, the new director of the National Parks System.  Long To-Do List for New U.S. Parks Chief. By Todd Wilkinson, Christian Science Monitor. This is the first consolidated article on Jarvis I have seen. As a regional…

  • Jackson Hole herd is not the only long pronghorn migration- Most people who follow wildlife news the West now know about the epic migration of the the pronghorn in Jackson Hole from summer to winter on desert south of Pinedale, WY and the big squeeze being put on this migration by the gas industry and…

  • Wants to get kids into nature, great! Otherwise interview is a lot of nothing- New director: All of us should visits parks. Jarvis ranks protection, management of resources among his core values. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily.

  • Although it was plenty smoky, end of the fire season finds the Park’s largest fire of the year beneficial- As snow suddenly replaces warm late September, the fires in Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and nearby are dying quickly. The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports the the 2800 acre lightning caused fire west of Jackson Lake…

  • Bill Schneider responds on the controversy over taking out “problem bears”- Killing Bears to Save Bears. Let’s applaud Glacier Park bear managers for killing problem bears. It’s necessary to save the species. By Bill Schneider. New West.

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