National Parks
Denali wolves wearing snares. Animals are roaming free with devices caught on necks. By Mary Pemberton. Associated Press. Under Wyoming’s wolf plan this could happen inside Yellowstone Park because most of the packs leave the Park from time to time.
Forest Service May Move to Interior. Some See Agency As Out of Place Under the USDA. By Christopher Lee. Washington Post Staff Writer. While this may seem new, this is one of the oldest controversies in the history of American conservation. The Forest Service began at the end of the 19th century as the Division…
Park trespassing raises flags. By Daniel Person. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer
A 60-hour flood of water is being released from Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River in what is supposed to be renewal of the Grand Canyon’s dwindling sandbars, beaches, vegetation, and habitat for rare and endangered fish. This is the third time such a flood has been created since the giant dam and reservoir…
Western National Parks polluted by toxics from nearby and far away. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press
As I speculated in a number of threads, the hot new issue over guns in the national parks is indeed a political invention for this presidential campaign with the primary intent to stop a large number, over 60, relatively low controversy land protection measures that had been rolled into an omnibus bill. Those promoting “the…
This is great news! BP drops Flathead coal-bed plan. By Michael Jamison. Missoulian. I recently did a story on the grave threat of these wells to the water, air and land in British Columbia just NW of Glacier National Park. The plans for the huge mountaintop coal mine (the Cline Mine) remain, however. Here is…
“Wild Bill” has a good opinion piece on this. As I said earlier, this was an issue created for the election. It is not from the grassroots . . . . “This amendment and, it seems, most other gun legislation, isn’t about guns or the Second Amendment. It’s all about politics, and the gun lobby…