National Parks
This is great news! BP drops Flathead coal-bed plan. By Michael Jamison. Missoulian. I recently did a story on the grave threat of these wells to the water, air and land in British Columbia just NW of Glacier National Park. The plans for the huge mountaintop coal mine (the Cline Mine) remain, however. Here is…
“Wild Bill” has a good opinion piece on this. As I said earlier, this was an issue created for the election. It is not from the grassroots . . . . “This amendment and, it seems, most other gun legislation, isn’t about guns or the Second Amendment. It’s all about politics, and the gun lobby…
The better to hunt elk, my dear. Wolf advocates say predators, not sharpshooters, best for national park. By Bill Scanlon, Rocky Mountain News. WildEarth Guardians will sue over the plan to shoot 200 elk a year to control elk overpopulation in Rocky Mountain NP rather than introduce wolves to keep the elk population in check.
Weasel-like fishers reintroduced in Olympic National Park. AP. Seattle P-I. Here is more. It’s from the National Park Service. Proposed Fisher Reintroduction.
Almost half the Senate pushes to allow firearms into national parks. Senators push to allow guns in national parks BY PETE ZIMOWSY of the Idaho Statesman Here’s the editorial in the New York Times (registeration required) : Keeping Guns Out of the Parks It looks like a political move more than anything ~ or pulling…
Tainted rainfall affecting parks. Agency’s report finds more ammonia in Yellowstone, Glacier. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette.
Some good news for the vast, but increasingly threatened boreal region of Canada. Canada creates huge protected forest reserves. Area as big as 11 Yellowstones offers buffer from oil, mining. AP in MSNBC.
The final decision for winter use for Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks has been signed. Sylvan Pass will remain open this winter with the use of howitzers and helicopters for avalanche control despite the huge cost of doing so for a trickle of snowmobilers. The Park Service, however, will not send personnel up to…