National Parks
The Park Service seems to be resisting the organizing in Cody to continue the subsidized winter maintenance for snowmobiles over Sylvan Pass. It’s hard to believe that Cody businesses may for once have their sense of entitlement to the money you pay to enter the Park slapped down. Story in the Casper Star Tribune. Sides…
Economic interests in Cody will not be denied continued access across Sylvan Pass in the winter, where Park Service employees risk their lives and waste your tax money for the benefit of a few who cross the pass in snowmobles. The cost per snowmobile is huge — many times the entrance fee. They are getting…
The Department of Interior announced the removal of the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone from the “threatened species list” today. Recent developments such as the huge die-off of whitebark pine, whose nuts the grizzlies depend heavily upon, make this decision wrong. “Chuck Schwartz, U.S. Geological Survey interagency grizzly bear study team leader, said human-caused…
Yesterday in Congress the first hearings in many years were held over bison management in and near Yellowstone Park. The hearing showed that pressure is building to -change the many years of bison harassment and slaughter by the state of Montana and stance of the federal government agency APHIS which uses the club of losing…
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 658, the Natural Resource Protection Cooperative Agreement Act, by a large margin, 390-10. This will give the Park Service more authority to combat alien species that are invading the national parks. Such legislation is needed for the entire country. Invasive species are as big a problem as…
Here is the Buffalo Field Campaign’s news release on the big congressional hearings on Yellowstone bison management to be held Tuesday, March. 20. – – – – – For immediate release, Monday, March 19, 2007 Contact: Mike Mease 406-646-0070 or Stephany Seay 406-848-2130 WASHINGTON, D.C. On Tuesday, at the request of the Subcommittee on National…
My, but the bison hearing set in Washington for tomorrow is already having positive results in Montana. What a different a change in the control of a congressional committee can make! Is a bison solution finally in sight after 13 years of slaughter and confinement to the Park? Story- Deal on bison travel close. Park…
Earlier I posted an article on the recent studies of the Yellowstone Hot Spot. Yellowstone’s Quiet Power: A Volcano Forcefully Shapes The Land, Even Between Eruptions. Here is take the Jackson Hole News and Guide did on the study. Puffing Yellowstone hot spot raises valley. By Cory Hatch. The rising plume of magma to the…