National Parks

  • By Franz Camenzind Originally published in the bullseye 12 minutes (3070 words) It Takes More Than A Park, Even The Mother Of All Parks, To Protect The Grizzly Bear And Other Animals.  It Takes AnEcosystem SOME PEOPLE MAY BELIEVE OTHERWISE OR WALLOW in the nonsense that ignorance is bliss, but history matters.  Today, we dwell near ground zero for…

  • Washington state data used to represent Utah. Occasionally land grab groups produce reports intended to show how state management of lands is superior to management of our national public lands by the BLM, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, etc. About a week ago one such group in Utah, the Sutherland Institute, issued a report…

  • Some mountain bikers are attempting to amend and weaken the Wilderness Act MISSOULA, MONTANA – This week 116 conservation organizations from across America have asked Congress to oppose attempts to amend and weaken the Wilderness Act and Wilderness protections by allowing bicycles in designated Wilderness. “For over a half century, the Wilderness Act has protected…

  •   Point Reyes National Seashore, a national park unit, is one of the most iconic sections of the California coast. Lying just north of San Francisco, Point Reyes is a dynamic slice of the California landmass moving northwards along the San Andres Fault relative to the mainland.  The National Seashore includes isolated beaches, cliffs, flowery…

  • For release PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility)– Commercial Cell Service Clashes with National Park Policies and Values- Washington, DC — Calls to increase cellular and broadband coverage inside national parks are running up against policies to protect natural soundscapes, pristine vistas and serenity, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). This month, these…

  • Up to 900 to soon die- Today the annual cull of Yellowstone bison got underway. It is plenty contentious. I have been ranting about this nearly annual slaughter since 1996 on The Wildlife News and its previous incarnations. In recent years it has been mostly out of sight just north of the Park’s northern boundary.…

  • By Thomas M. Power and George Wuerthner “A national park will not save the area. Rather, the restrictions and red tape that come with federal control would inhibit growth. Survival requires economic development, but a national park will limit our options.” Kathy Gagnon editorial opposing a national park in Maine published in Bangor Daily News…

  • Once, years ago, I was hanging out with Doug Tompkins at his home in Chile, sipping tea and sitting by the fire, when Doug began telling me tales of his early climbing days with his first climbing partner, Johnny. I asked what became of Johnny, and Doug told me he had died in a climbing…

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