
  • Emma Marris, the author of Rambunctious Garden (RG), loves the nature hiding in back street alleys and along the highway median strip. Marris believes it’s time to abandon (or de-emphasize) what she sees as outdated and naïve conservation strategies such as creation of national parks and wilderness reserves.  She feels the biggest obstacles to a…

  • “Sportsmen’s Heritage Act” no favor to sportsmen or to America’s outdoor heritage- Updated on 2:10 AM. June 6, 2012 Back in 1924, when some parts of the public lands began to be set aside for protection as primitive places that would never be developed (not open to commercial logging, mining, or building) and where visitors…

  • Federal Judge Douses the Flames – For Now Custer County Commissioners have been rattling their sabres over a central Idaho road closure enforced by the Bureau of Land Management.  The closure occurred 12 years ago after a landslide and prevents off-road-vehicles (ORVs) from access to the Jerry Peak Wilderness Study Area. Despite being given the…

  • Effort underway in Congress to repeal the Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1977- Back in 1977 when Montana had a much greener congressional delegation, Montana senator Lee Metcalf got a bill passed and signed into law giving semi-Wilderness protection to about 700-thousand acres of scenic and wildlife rich Montana mountains.  The roadless areas protected until Congress…

  • If you listened to President Obama’s State of the Union Address you may have noticed that the President had some things to say about how this administration values public land: […] I’m directing my administration to allow the development of clean energy on enough public lands to power 3 million homes. For groups working to…

  • H.R.1581 Bruce Babbit, former Secretary of the Interior in the Clinton Administration, claims that the wolf delisting rider was the wake-up call that brought him back into the foray on public land and wildlife issues.  Now he’s taking aim at a piece of legislation that would capitalize on Congress’s slow action and open up greater…

  • Obama and Salazar take back the crumbs they kicked Wilderness advocates ‘Wild lands’ order revoked – BLM can no longer grant wilderness-like protection – Idaho Mountain Express Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wrote a memo to bureau Director Bob Abbey on Wednesday confirming that the BLM is not authorized to designate any of its land…

  • Like an oak. The stubborn Brandborgs and the fight for wilderness by Jessica Mayer. The Missoula Independent. I have heard tales of Stewart Brandborg since I was a young man. I’ve never met him. He still lives in the Bitterroot Valley and fights on. It isn’t just one generation though. Stewart Brandborg’s father, Guy was…

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