
  • Idaho Delegation supports the bill but Governor opposes it The Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act (CEIDRA), the bill which would create a Boulder-White Clouds Wilderness, had its hearing yesterday in the U.S. Senate. There are some good and bad things about the bill but the land swaps to Custer County, except for very…

  • This shows the hypocrisy of allowing helicopter darting of wolves in the Wilderness The USFS won’t allow Idaho Public Television to film in the Wilderness of Idaho because they claim that they are a commercial operation but the station is funded and operated by the State of Idaho. It kind of puts the helicopter darting…

  • Another story on the reintroduction of a revised CIEDRA- Wilderness bill revised, reintroduced. Controversial land transfers near Stanley dropped. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer ~~ We posted an earlier story on this.

  • Will 2010 finally be the year Idaho’s Boulder and White Cloud Mountains get Wilderness protection? Although Representative Simpson (R-Idaho) has not introduced his CIERDA bill this year in the House, Idaho’s two U.S. Senators yesterday introduced it in the Senate. If it moves, it will probably get attached to omnibus or other legislative and sort…

  • Bill would add about 26,000 acres to wilderness protected areas just east of Salt Lake City- A pretty fair portion of the rugged divides between the major Wasatch Mountain canyons at Salt Lake City are already protected as Wilderness. Rep. Matheson proposes to add to the Mount Olympus, Twin Peaks and Lone Peak wilderness and…

  • Goal was 12 wolves- After the lawsuit and all the expense and danger of darting wolves from the air to collar them in the rugged Frank Church Wilderness, the results are in.  After risk to life and limb, instead of 12 wolves the department got only 4 collared. This is apparently the same number of…

  • Here is the final outcome of the trial we posted about — the one on the Georgia father and son who left a dying horse and abused others in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Ravalli County jury finds Georgia men guilty of abusing horses on wilderness trip. Missoulian. They were convicted.

  • Judges buys Idaho Fish and Game argument that agency only wants valuable data- It’s a high bar to get a judge to rule against an agency that claims expertise and say “this is ridiculous.” That is my first take. I think, the U.S. Forest Service needs to be told to revise their general regulations for…

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