
  • “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Coalition seeks an Injunction/Temporary Restraining Order preventing the landing of helicopters Chief District Judge B. Lynn Winmill is set to hear oral arguments on the Frank Church Wilderness/Helicopter Landing litigation this afternoon.  The “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Coalition seeks an Injunction/Temporary Restraining Order preventing the landing of helicopters in the Frank Church Wilderness…

  • Splitting from the Montana Wilderness Association, they issue statement against the wilderness and logging bill- Update 2-18. Tester’s Bill Causing Major Rift Among Wilderness Advocates. Former Montana Wilderness Association Council Members Bolt. By Bill Schneider. New West. Earlier ↓ As folks probably know, the Montana Wilderness Association supports Senator Tester’s Jobs and Recreation Act of…

  • Controversy began 1n 1974- Well what a cause for celebration this is!  I can remember I was just starting to explore the wild country as a young man back in 1974 when Sage Creek Coal proposed a big coal mine on Cabin Creek, a tributary to the North Fork of the Flathead.  In 2008 I…

  • Key player in passage of the ’64 Wilderness Act blast Tester’s Wilderness/logging bill- This is an opinion in the Billings Gazette by Stewart Brandborg who was executive director of the Wilderness Society when the Wilderness Act became law. – – – – – My take on Tester’s bill is that is very much the stuff…

  • Rocky Barker’s update on the lawsuit filed by Wolf Recovery Foundation and WWP- I want to reiterate that the part of the lawsuit applying to the Frank Church Wilderness and the chasing, darting, and landing there to radio collar wolves, is not primarily a wolf issue. It is a Wilderness integrity issue. I would be…

  • Rather than providing for possible elimination of grazing in these areas, he locks it in- Now I think it is a number one priority to kill this awful bill. We don’t need more cattle stomped “wilderness areas” because they aren’t really wilderness. Tester Makes Some Changes to Wilderness Bill, Refuses Others. “In response to feedback,…

  • “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Act to Protect Wolves & Wilderness The Wolf Recovery Foundation and Western Watersheds Project recently filed suit to end the Idaho Department of Fish & Game’s (IDF&G) attempt to use helicopters to chase, capture, and collar wolves in the Frank Church-River-Of-No-Return Wilderness.  The suit also seeks to shut down Wildlife Service’s wolf…

  • Judge denies an injunction request from off-roaders in a key wildlife area just south of Glacier National Park- There have been a lot of battles fought over the use of the Badger/Two Medicine area on the national forest just south of Glacier National Park. A good portion of this is roadless, but vehicles use some…

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