
  • ~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…

  • Idaho Fish and Game Proposal defeats the purpose of Wilderness- What could more opposite, animals and people roaming freely in the great outdoors; or struggling through rough country under the never sleeping watch of souless technology, subject to summary execution from the air on the order of distant bureaucrats? That’s what is a stake in…

  • Well reasoned argument against approval of Idaho Fish and Game’s plans to chase wolves, dart them, land and collar them in Idaho’s sacred central Idaho Wilderness- Wow, this fellow knows what he is talking about. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – – – January 2, 2010 Dear Mr. Tidwell Chief, U.…

  • Continuing fight by Idaho snowmobile interests to keep a small area in Montana out of Senator’s Tester’s Wilderness bill- We have covered this battle before. Dec. 13, 2009. Idaho Senators try to pressure Tester to remove an area from his “wilderness bill” Photo of Mt. Jefferson from the Montana side. It is the highest mountain…

  • Action was meant to protect wolverine and the wilderness quality of this wilderness study area- The Forest Service has settled a lawsuit by Wildlands CPR of Missoula and Friends of the Bitterroot regarding the terms of the Montana Wilderness Study area act of 1977 regarding allowed uses of one of the study areas in the…

  • Well they finally issued it. People I talk with are really stirred up about this. It is not a wolf thing. It is the integrity of Wilderness. The Forest Service needs to have their hat handed to them on this one. We need to kick their sorry ass. RM Decision Memo. Special Use Authorization to…

  • Senate committee gathers testimony on the Senators “wilderness bill”- Tester’s Forest Jobs and Recreation Act Gets First Hearing. By Courtney Lowery. New West. Here is the video of the full hearing.

  • Forest Service will cave to Idaho Fish and Game’s plan to grossly abuse the concept of Wilderness- Even though 90% of the comments received were opposed to Idaho Fish Game’s plan to violate the Wilderness Act because they want a better count of the number of wolves in the Frank Church Wilderness, this week the…

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