
  • Idaho Department of Fish & Game Moves to Collar Wolves in the Frank-Church Wilderness A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does…

  • Things are finally looking up a bit for the 9-million acre proposal to conserve some of Utah’s finest BLM canyonlands- This bill has been wandering the wilderness for a long time, but now a supporter chairs the important House committee — Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz. The finally got a hearing. Odds against are long because Congress…

  • Administration will defend the Clinton version in the 10th Circuit Court- President sides with environmentalists to reinstate roadless rule. By Gary Harmon. Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. Note that while this article emphasizes Colorado, this applies to all the states with national forest roadless areas that have not been designated as Wilderness areas. I like the…

  • The 9th Circuit just upheld the Clinton Roadless Rule, and slapped down Bush’s amended rule which granted states and local interests undue influence to craft their own roadless rules, rules which ended up being weaker than the Clinton Rule.  Idaho and Colorado were the only states to ride Bush’s timber-train. Clinton-era Rule Protecting Forests Upheld…

  • More fallout on the costs to conservation Montana Senator Jon Tester’s new Logging Bill (couched in “W”ilderness designation) may have to Montana’s wildlife. Collateral damage: Experts wonder what Tester’s bill may kill Missoula Independent While much of the critique coming from conservationists focuses on the negative impact of the logging on other-than-wilderness public lands of…

  • Ralph previously noted how the Western Lands Project monitors public land privatization, which let people know about a great book, Carving Up the Commons (pdf), freely available for download.  The book gives great history and analysis of.  Here’s a recent book review : Required reading: How Congress crafts public land bills – Missoula Independent Perhaps the most…

  • Western Watersheds Project sues BLM to protect the Burnt Creek roadless area from livestock abuse- Ever since I returned to Idaho in 1971, one place I wanted to see was Burnt Creek in the high colorful foothills on the east side of the Lost River Range. It has been selected as a wilderness study area…

  • Bill Schneider gives it a detailed analysis- I won’t go over the details because Schneider seems to do a good job, but my general impression is that there is no reason for Montana conservationists to support this, even though it is not immediately clear whether the “stewardship” elements are good, bad or neutral. What Tester’s…

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