
  • Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…

  • This time under “regular order” the bill passed 285-140 Wilderness Bill Clears the House on Its Second Go-Round. By Mireya Navarri. New York Times. Published: March 26, 2009

  • This time just over half the Republicans voted for it too- Senate Passes Lands Bill One More Time. By Kate Phillips. New York Times. The article indicates that this time the House will not reach for the procedural ease of the suspension of the rules procedure. They will consider the bill, I think, under “regular…

  • As expected the new bill easily beat the U.S. Senate filibuster yesterday- Omnibus bill attached to a new vehicle moved through the Senate filibuster last night by a vote of 73 to 21. Final passage in the Senate will come soon and take it back to the House. Story in New York Times blog, “The…

  • Its consideration under the “suspension of the rules” procedure was its downfall. A 2/3 vote is required- House Votes Down Omnibus Public Lands Bill. House rules requiring a two-thirds vote proved to be its undoing. By Bill Schneider. New West The vote was 282 in favor and 144 against. I still don’t know why they…

  • These rugged areas are high in fishing and hunting opportunities- Sportsmen Support Wilderness. The River Guide. I haven’t been to these roadless areas, but the relief of the Scotchman Peaks is some of the greatest in Montana.

  • Wilderness ought be worth fighting for George Wuerthner questions the quid pro quo strategy that a small number of groups have claimed necessary to promote wilderness designation – some even going so far as to nearly become cheerleaders for the very industries that threaten the wild. Wilderness Strategy Questioned – Is the future of Wilderness…

  • Paleontology provisions threaten bill- This is a big surprise. Because the House leadership wants to pass the bill under suspension of the rules, it requires a 2/3 majority. If it can’t muster that, it goes to regular order, perhaps pushing the bill’s consideration months into the future.* Folks will recall that the massive measure recently…

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