Whatever your take on whether the quid pro quo is worth it with wilderness designation, we’re in a different political atmosphere and that is beginning to show results – the bills are getting better : Simpson removes criticized portion of Boulder-White Clouds wilderness bill – Idaho Statesman 94 federal acres that would have been transfered…
Yesterday I posted about the passage of the bill to protect the vast Wyoming Mountain range from oil and gas — a big matter for Wyoming. The same committee also passed Idaho Senator Mike Crapo’s “Owyhee bill,” which failed at the last minute at the end of the last Congress. This has been very controversial…
First new wilderness in state in 2 decades is easily accessible. By Jennifer A. Dlouhy. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The new Wild Sky Wilderness Area is 106,000 acres. It failed in the last Congress when House Resources Committee Chair Richard Pombo killed at. Due in part to strong action by conservationists across America, he is no longer…
Owyhee Canyonlands protections back before Congress. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman
This article in New West is a good update on the status of the National Forest roadless area issue. Roadless without a map. Hazy Horizon for West’s Roadless Lands. By David Frey. In fact there is a very good map of the roadless areas on-line. It is an interactive map to which you can contribute…
As I speculated in a number of threads, the hot new issue over guns in the national parks is indeed a political invention for this presidential campaign with the primary intent to stop a large number, over 60, relatively low controversy land protection measures that had been rolled into an omnibus bill. Those promoting “the…
Michael Garrity gives a thoughtful account of The Political Viability of NREPA citing the Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Natural Resources committee’s support. A lot of good things may be on the horizon for those willing to push.
This from Rocky Barker’s blog today, Idaho environmental pioneer Day dies.. I’m sad to learn of the passing of Ernie Day. Ernie taught me that premature compromise with the resource extraction industry never protected anything. I remember his anger when he found us sitting around in one of the early, and of course unproductive meetings…