
  • CODY. Preliminary options for management of the Shoshone National Forest range from creating five new wilderness areas to none, and from no new road construction to some road building. Forest officials are outlining those scenarios in a series of meetings here and in Thermopolis, Dubois and Lander. Rest of the story in the Casper Star…

  • People are already debating it, the next go around in Congress for CIEDRA, the controversial White Clouds/Boulder Mountains Wilderness bill (with pay-offs to others). Todd Wilkinson has a good story on the PBS program and the issue in New West. Update Jan. 5. Given all the interest on this, I grabbed this from congressman Simpson’s…

  • I posted a story on this in November when 18 inches of rain fell. Since then the weather has continued very wet, and the full extent of the damage to the infrastructure is immense. I can already see one political issue emerging. A large portion of the main entrance road washed away and is now…

  • U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Secretary has accepted Gov. Jim Risch’s plan for the 9.3 milion acres of national forest roadless area in Idaho. It is now slated to be become part of the Code of Federal Regulations. While such a regulation is not as hard to change as a law passed by Congress (as designated…

  • Here is an analysis of what it may take to get the Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Area bill through the new Democratic congress. They are worrying that Custer County might jump ship, but I’d say for every bit given to Custer County (unless it is money) more needs to be given to conservationists.…

  • Back in the 1980s almost every state with U.S. Forest Service land got a statewide Wilderness bill. Two states that did not were Idaho and Montana. Idaho had, and still has, more unprotected roadless national forest land than any other state. Montana has less, but it has a lot. A statewide wilderness bill for Montana…

  • Stopping the oil and gas leasing is not enough,  Bill Schneider. New West. The Forest Service is not protecting the area from off-road vehicles and parts of the Front could fill up with trophy homes. An ominus sign on the Rocky Mountain Front. Montanans will recognize that is not “Buffalo Hill,” but famous landmark Haystack…

  • Unlike protection for the Rocky Mountain Front and the dubious Nevada Lands Bill, the Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act, or CIEDRA, which would protect parts of Idaho’s White Cloud and Boulder Mountains as Wilderness, and make side payments to anti-wilderness interests, failed. It was not attached to “Tax Relief and Health Care Act…

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